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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Wompet

  1. 13 of them.
  2. So this build isn't dead, just very well rested. I did eventually receive all of my parts and the E-22, and then there were other interruptions. The parts have been rough trimmed, and I finally did a initial fitting a couple of days ago. The ab/kidney is good circumference-wise, but I'm going to trim off the top inch or so for a better fit under the chest/back. I'm going to trim some of the return edge of the back armhole and shoulder-bridge in order for the chest and back to line up better. Not pictured - the biceps need a little trimming for my skinny arms, but they're good length-wise, and the forearms don't need altering at all. The knees and shin are still separate pieces. My current plan is to fold part of that massive bottom return edge down and glue it to the shin.
  3. I'm going to do this without pictures initially, because the program I use for modding/marking images has been uncooperative of late. So for now you'll just have the measurements, in inches. Width: Crown (above ear bump): 0.624 ear bump, top: 0.72 ear bump, bottom: 0.737 below ear: 0.771 Bell/flare: 0.869 Chin, outside of flare: 0.333 Chin, inside of flare: 0.171 Snout: 0.1 The flare is 0.036 wide at the chin, 0.03 at the front of the ear, 0.082 at the back of the ear, and 0.123 around the back from halfway between the earbumps and the first vertical lines ... this is going to need a picture:
  4. Nothing under the bell but a lip running around the back from ear-to-ear. Give me a couple of days and I can dig out my calipers.
  5. Rather than trying to post all of the images here, I'm going to try a post a link to the "Helmet" album. https://imgur.com/a/iqPxSjX
  6. Imgur isnโ€™t cooperating with my iPad right now, so I canโ€™t share my pictures of the Black Series at the moment, but this is Galaxyโ€™s Edge figure: I really need to get back to this build.
  7. It looks like KB slipped an extra piece in there again - there is no rear belt cover plate on this build. https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:Mountain_Trooper I almost wish that there was a cover plate - I'm still figuring out how I'm going to mount a resin detonator on my belt.
  8. So my copy arrived yesterday, and after skimming through it I'm sorry to say there were no Mountain Troopers. ๐Ÿ˜” It's beautifully done, with amazing artwork and what appears to be great behind-the-scenes details (like I said - I skimmed), but the only scouts that I noticed were ROTJ-style. So as a consolation, here's the picture from The Art of The Rise of Skywalker: As an aside, the concept art for the cantina's Twi-lek madame was a surprise.
  9. Well, I have some Cashback points to spend, and was going to get some costume parts off of Amazon anyway ... if there are any Mountain Trooper pictures I'll let everyone know about ... May 4th ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜€ I remember there being some concept art of the Treadspeeder Driver and potential Mountain Troopers in "The Art of the Rise of Skywalker," but the lapdog is keeping me from checking right now.
  10. Aesthetically, I prefer your design - if there's a Hengstler, it's supposed to line up with the front of the scope. But someone at Disney or Hasbro had to go and do something different ... ๐Ÿฅด Seriously, though - that is an amazing design, especially for how quickly you did it.
  11. The rear of the Hengstler lines up with the rear of the scope, but otherwise - Perfect!
  12. I would say a stock like this: https://www.gunbroker.com/item/881594725 with a recoil pad like this https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1004674272?pid=629521 or https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1004614856?pid=814244 Basically a rod half the diameter of the E-11 body, capped with a ribbed recoil pad.
  13. Just doing my little bit to help. When I have time I'll get out my Stormtroopers and Shoretrooper, so I can do a side-by-side shot of their E-11s, E-22, and whatever this is.
  14. So I got my Mountain Troopers out in preparation for my build, and figured I would post these: So to correct my post above: E-11 base end cap d-ring replaced with a telescoping stock original folding stock: side arms are intact, but vertical butt plate removed E-11 "body" extended to the length of the original barrel single E-22 barrel added onto extended body some sort of sight assembly running the length of the body extension to end on the barrel coupling the top front reminds me of the rear sight on my SKS, but mounted backwards M300 light mounted on the right just behind the barrel Hengslter counter mounted in line with rear of scope instead of front of scope Thoughts?
  15. So the TD, ab greeblies, and back insert arrived yesterday. This is when I realized I'm missing the central cover plate for the ab/kidney section. ๐Ÿ˜… Oh well, at least I can start trimming and some assembly.
  16. I know, I ordered one along with the armor and the helmet. He actually had the E-22 in a box and ready to ship, until he realized that he was sending me a Shoretrooper instead of a Mountain Trooper. ๐Ÿ˜… Hopefully he'll remember the E-22 with the detonator and the greeblies.
  17. So my Small Brown Box arrived yesterday. ๐Ÿ˜€ The thermal detonator wasn't shipped (apparently KB is redoing the mold), the Ab greeblies weren't either, nor was the E-22 ... but I finally have some hard parts to start working on. Unlike @heartstopper85's kit, my chest piece has the lower right indent. And KB included the First Order spats at my request.
  18. I'm not going to shift the dog off my lap to check the figure right now, but (to my eye) it looks like a cross between an E-11D (the Death Trooper variant) and an E-10. But the E-22 is on the box art, and identifiable as such, so that's what I ordered as well.
  19. Might I suggest 0.5" by 2.25", roughly 0.75" from the lower edge, starting where the chest bends back to form the side wing, and more rectangular than the Shoretrooper.
  20. I've been following every thread in this section pretty much since they started. ๐Ÿ˜„ @heartstopper85 has already pointed me in the direction of where to get the shin strapping, which I had been drawing a blank on. I would agree with the black Shoretrooper top, but the regular tops that I've found aren't quite ribbed enough. I'm thinking First Order style gaskets for the arms/chest combined with a Death Trooper neck seal/apron for the proper horizontal/vertical ribbing combination.
  21. I finally decided which Pathfinder costume that I want to build (first). I'm waiting on my BBB from KB Props, but half of my soft goods arrived from Imperial Boots today. Based on the draft CRL and the figures, I decided to go with Tanker jodhpurs (black cotton duck), Tanker shoes (white, black soles with heel, white elastic on the side), and their R1 Shore/Tanker/TK gloves. I have an idea about the upper body soft parts, but I want to rough fit the armor first. The same goes for the faulds, pouches, and gaiters.
  22. Apologies for going back to the soft parts for a moment, but I just wanted to put everything in one post to double-check: Boots: Tank Driver or Original Trilogy boots (have a heel), not R1TK or FOTK (no heel) Gaiters: worn under shin armor - something like this, minus the understrap, in white canvas/cotton duck. Pants: jodhpur/breech style black cotton duck (Tank Driver pants or Shore Trooper in black instead of brown) Faulds/Kama: In white canvas/cotton duck, with interior batting to provide thickness. Mid-thigh in length. Cover from the inner edge of the front-most belt box to the inner edge of the rear-most belt box on each side. Pouches: made of the same material as the fauld/kama. On the Black Series these are squarish and centered on the fauld. On the Galaxy's Edge these are more rectangular and more forward. Are we going with people can build either style pouch, as long as they are a matched pair, or just the square pouches, as they are a shared element over multiple costumes (TB, TS, FO Incinerator)?
  23. This guy has been discussed for the last eight months on the FISD forums: https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/47762-tread-speeder/ A couple of highlights: Side view: https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200225/ec3ac7c1823cc65da85433c1a8e3dee1.png Similar: https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200225/2b38b4aa55861172a9d1d5d2904143db.jpg Butt plate and back: https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20191128/05c52002458513893106ef3f922a3927.jpg And while I don't have The Visual Dictionary or The Art of ..., I do have the Disney exclusive figure: And the disappointing calf/shin armor strapping shot:
  24. So I still haven't made it to Galaxy's Edge, but that figure set that I mentioned above can be found on eBay. So this arrived today: Apologies for the lighting - I'll take some pictures in natural light as soon as I can. But for now: So, the forearms are different from the Black Series figure, but match the box art, the flaps on the pouches are different, and the color is ... well, it's not white or Sierra Beige ...
  25. I originally found it in this article: https://wdwnt.com/2019/06/photos-every-merchandise-item-with-prices-from-first-order-cargo-in-star-wars-galaxys-edge/ Only the Disneyland Galaxy's Edge was open when Disney put this out, so the set should definitely be there. Hopefully they'd be sold at Disney World also.
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