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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Jowzam

  1. That's Canada for you, everything is much more expensive.
  2. Just curious if these coveralls are acceptable once the pockets have been removed: https://www.marks.com/en/categories/workwear/mens-workwear/overalls-and-coveralls/coveralls/product/unlined-work-coverall-296.html#296%5Bcolor%5D=BLACK&296%5Bsize%5D=42&296%5Blength%5D=TALL
  3. We do, and they look quite affordable! Thanks for the help
  4. Any recommendations for a good source to purchase a flight suit in Canada to get started? Even better if it's in Calgary.
  5. Thanks for the help, I'll start my search there.
  6. I'm starting on my journey to buld a suit of biker armor on a budget so it's going to be a slow go at one piece at a time. I've decided I'm going to start with getting a good helmet to begin. I have a smaller head so from what I've been reading, SC will probably be my best choice. At $274 for the helmet and another $200 for assembly can anyone recommend a more affordable option? Or a Canadian retailer I could order from to help cut down on shipping and exchange?
  7. Hello! After many years of wanting to join the 501st I'm ready to take the plunge. I've decided on a scout (obviously that's why I'm here..) but am overwhelmed on where to start. I've read the the approved vendors and the ones to stay far away from. I'm building on a budget so will have to do a bit at a time. Can anyone recommend a good retailer or source in Canada that I can reach out to?
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