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Gojira72 last won the day on June 25 2023

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    Garrison Tyranus

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  1. I recently completed my Shoretrooper Captain kit and am currently waiting for my local GML to get back to me about approval. In the mean time I was curious as to what some of the folks on here thought about my build. This is the first build over this complexity I have ever done and it took me a couple years to finish. There are a few slight fitment issues I am aware of from these photos that I didn't catch, namely the blue chest strap not being fastened and my belt not being strapped on tight enough. Other than that, if you have any suggestions on how I can improve, I am all ears. Helmet: Nico Henderson 3D Print. Armor: Imperial Surplus V2. Shirt and Breeches: Keep Trooping Gloves: Endor Finders Boots: Orca Bay Brecon Hip Plates and Belt by Me. Leg Straps: 850 Armor Works I 3D Modeled parts like the belt boxes and the pringle can to save weight.
  2. I am looking to finish my Shoretrooper Captain Build and I am looking to buy my pants. I acknowledge that Darkside Closet has amazing pants, however I am have a deadline for when I want this done by and Darkside Closet's turn around time is a bit out of that time zone. I am looking to get the Imperial Boots V2 Breeches. I have their V1 pants from a few years ago, and I can see how the new pants are improved. I was wondering if anyone can speak to the quality of the new Breeches that they sell. If anyone also has any alternative suggestion, I would be happy to listen.
  3. So after a little bit of digging I found this image from Imperial Surplus showing some marks as to where how to place the straps and more specifically the cut marks for the front straps. Here is a close up with my chest plate. The cut is not clean, however it is covered by the strap paddle so it does not bother me very much. https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMxxON3PjcP7OTRcrTaBWb4iWrB_XWBVVSJww_y-c00Di1Zi-uo5xU-p_27rMZQeA?key=QVBhRWNFekVYYXZQOG92QVE2Qmo4a19reW9kcHlB
  4. I was unaware of that page, I put in my request earlier today, just waiting to be accepted now.
  5. So I am most of the way completed on my Captain build. I am using the Imperial Surplus V2 kit and I was curious if anyone who had built it has any tips on how to do the straps at the top of the chest and back. There is this metal plate underneath with these nylon straps with Velcro attached to them. I was wondering if anyone who has either built the kit or any other kit with a similar system has any tips for how to get this attached?
  6. The vents on the back are also completely cutout on Sean's meaning they are going to need to be backed.
  7. I have printed both Sean's Mk2 and Nico Henderson's Files(which are regarded as the most accurate files you can find). The biggest thing I have noticed is that Sean's Helmet is incredibly narrow. The eye shape also scoop down farther than they should. They should be flatter across the bottom like the ones that Nico has. It has the thin top ridge that needs to be painted black that Sean's was missing. Other than that there are just a lot of little things I have noticed. I'm currently at work so I can't name them all. The photo below should be enough to help. Sean's is in white, Nico's is the raw one. This photo was taken a couple months ago and this was the best comparison I have.
  8. Currently on the painting process on my Captain Build and I am trying to get the symbol size as spot on as I can. Does anyone here know the correct size, or have a size that they think is a good middle ground.
  9. If you can get a Head scan of yourself, and Take the Full Construct and place it over the scan, You can resize as needed. For Mine I needed to scale it up to 110%, because I have a large head.
  10. Wow, that looks really cool. I can't wait to get mine printed.
  11. I am currently printing the Blaster on a Taz 5 and I am using the standard ABS Settings. And all of my pieces have had pretty decent results with only a few minor issues. The only real issues I have had I have made them my self, so I really can't give much insight on your work,
  12. So for my Shoretrooper costume I am planing to paint it as the Captain Variant, however I am lacking hip-plates. does anyone know a place where I can get a set, or how to make some.
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