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PFD Recruit
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About KaoticNeutral

  • Birthday 08/10/1998

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Phoenix, Arizona

501st Information

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  1. Just picked up my armor today! I do have quite a few questions though haha, I'll list them below 1. What kind of white paint would work best for the resin helmet? 2. What tools are going to help me the most here that I should gather? 3. What kind of gray/black paint would work best for the resin greeblies 4. Any other tips and advice you guys could provide. 5. Is there a store any of you could recommend for tools and supplies (example: foam for inside the helmet for fitting and comfort) 6. I'd like to set up a microphone and speaker, could use recommendations. Can't wait to get started. Thanks!
  2. Is there a preferred guide you could link me to?
  3. Saw these: http://www.imperialboots.com/product/biker-scout-boots-and-gloves/ And was just wondering if any had purchased from this vendor before and if they are actually up to 501st standards. Thanks!
  4. Thanks for the quick response!
  5. Saw these: http://www.imperialboots.com/product/biker-scout-boots/ And was just wondering if any had purchased from this vendor before and if they are actually up to 501st standards. Thanks!
  6. Hello all! Name is Austin and fairly new to the armor constructing scene. I have a kit ready for pick up soon but looking for a good source of the soft goods. I have 0 tailoring experience and I don't know anyone with any either. I've done some browsing online but trying to see what I may be able to save if I get a commission from the community. If anyone could point me to the right person it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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