I have a few questions about the cod/cummerbund and their positioning:
1. If I position the cummerbund where the top edge goes under the breastplate, the codpiece looks oddly elongated and does not quite make it all the way to the inseam. Does the belt make up for this, and does the belt have to cover the bottom edge of the cummerbund (or can it be just below)?
2. My jumpsuit has the mudflap already attached, where/ how should the 2" elastic (running between the legs) from the cod be attached? (Directly under the flap, cut a hole in the flap to bring the Velcro above the beltline...etc.)
3. Is it common to attach Velcro to the cummerbund/ jumpsuit to ensure the cummerbund stays in position on the jumpsuit?
Thank you in advance for any help you can give me with this!