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About Evilshadow

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501st Information

  • Name
    Joaquin Jimenez Aparicio
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Spanish Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page

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  1. I have a Tie Pilot and a Gunner, mix matching should not be a problem I've seen a weathering here in the forums that could work Enviado desde mi JSN-L21 mediante Tapatalk
  2. Lovely thanks!! I'm planning to make the rotj and then make it Mandalorian with some weathering Enviado desde mi JSN-L21 mediante Tapatalk
  3. That is true, what I was trying to say, since the base is in a Volcano, makes sense that are blackened a bit, and if they go through the desert become a bit sandy Enviado desde mi JSN-L21 mediante Tapatalk
  4. They are, but this is a lava place, if you see the scene they have black weathering, even the stormtroopers :9
  5. Cheers guys! First of all Merry Christmas and stay safe! I want to make the weathering scheme from the S2, the scout is exactly the same as the ones we saw on S1? I would love to make it happen ^^ Drive folder with screenshots: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HuZGeZHedT8KNjQPdl1exSO9_9hfvf1z?usp=sharing Best Regards and Thanks in Advance!
  6. After two long years, I've finally managed to get my brand new armour from Armour Factory Props in Spain. I'll have it in about 6 weeks approx, matte-ish finish (got the ok from my GML). I've also found and bought an E11 (another 4-6 weeks) from Imperial Warfighters and the DLT-19 and pistol from a local member from my garrison. Can´t wait!
  7. Hi guys ^^ Hope you are doing fine, I'm asking myself if the kit offered by DO3D is valid for the 501st, if it is, I will try to make it http://do3d.com/product/3d-printable-model-patrol-trooper-helmet-armor-and-boots-from-solo-a-star-wars-story-movie-print-file-format-stl/ Best regards!
  8. Thank you guys!!! I am way too impatient to get my armor!! I do have ready ASH's DLT 19, and they are starting to prepare my helmet, with mirror lens Best Regards!!!!
  9. Hi all ^^ Im Joaquin, trying to enter 501 st Spanish Garrison, Lancer's Level! I'm starting to get my Shadow Biker suit, I'm preparing to join the darkest side of the dark side I'll post my progression here, it's a pleasure been here with you all. Cya guys!
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