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Everything posted by ExpatTarheel

  1. Hi guys, So I got my Shoretrooper armour from Jimiroquai on RPF. Could I please get some advice on how you've planned and carried out the build? I saw a bit of advice that starting with the shoulder and bicep armour, then progress to the parts that need to be fitted. Any advice will be sincerely appreciated. Thanks! Erin
  2. I'm checking to see what paint is available here in NZ. Fortunately, the Satin Ivory is available which is good news. The local stores have Rustoleum Chile Red , not the Banner Red. Is the Chile Red an acceptable substitute or do I need to grit my teeth and pay international shipping to have it brought here? Cheers Erin
  3. Me too but it helps me to remember a line I heard about this process. "Weathering is a process wherein a beautiful paint job is gradually ruined until it's perfect." Harrison Krix, Painting and Weathering for Props and Replicas
  4. That's a great idea, thanks!
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