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501st Legion (RET)
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DrewTroan last won the day on October 20 2017

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20 Excellent

About DrewTroan

  • Birthday 01/28/1986

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  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
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  • 501st Garrison
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  1. What are the best currently-available options for DLT-19 or 19X? Several places I’ve looked into are not offering (or in business). Lots of 3D printed options (on Etsy namely which i think would be a crapshoot). Also iffy about a 3D print how much cleanup there will be without seeing in person. Any vendor recommendations welcome! (Also interested in used.)
  2. Congrats Lancer!
  3. I got almost my entire kit from Chef’s....nothing negative to say except you might be waiting for a while for the kit. He had pretty good communication when I worked with him and offered help when I had questions, but I have no comparison to other armorers. Just got approved Lancer with fairly minimal mods to the armor I received...just gotta have that attention to detail! Good luck with your build!
  4. Thanks! Very excited and proud to be accepted into the rank!
  5. Excellent news! Thanks review team!
  6. - Cod Piece: This was bunched because the elastic strap was pulled too tight between my legs. I slightly lengthened the elastic strap such that the cod piece sits more naturally which removed the bunching. (See updated front picture.) - Belt Boxes: Pulled in extra strapping to raise boxes to 1” below belt level. (See measurement picture and updated side picture) - Left side forearm/bicep overlap: Moved forearm armor to prevent overlap (See updated side picture) - Chest low: I shaved a bit (1/8”) off the bottom of the chest armor, which it needed anyway to further clean it up and smooth it out. I also slightly adjusted the joint between the chest and back armor. (See updated front picture) - Strap Measurements: See updated measurements of shoulder (1/2”), bicep (2”) , forearm (1”), and knees (1/2” and 1”) with the ruler now in front - Easy fix! (Having trouble embedding images in post due to size restrictions so link only provided) Imgur Link: https://imgur.com/a/QfMge4X Look forward to your response. Thanks again review team!
  7. Thanks review team for the feedback! These should be pretty straightforward fixes or pic retakes so I’ll get on it.
  8. Imgur Album: https://imgur.com/a/cbr4Isv Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Anything that I missed, let me know! Thanks for the consideration....cheers! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. (I do eventually plan to replace tube with wrapped tube but haven’t had time since this is currently optional) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Andrew Carpenter TB-17390 Florida Garrison - Makaze Squad Helmet / Armor - Chef’s Creations Flight Suit, Cummerbund, Flak Vest, Pouches - Chef’s Boots - Chef’s Gloves - WampaWear Blaster - Chef’s Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Okay - thanks again for the great feedback. I updated my photos: https://we.tl/s-QkZZVQDiOj
  15. Also, where should the belt ride? As it it in my pics, it’s around my waist, like a normal belt line. Should it be higher like around the naval?
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