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About JustLandedScarif

  • Birthday 01/01/1985

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  • Location
    Winter Park FL
  • Interests
    My dogs
    Video and board games

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  1. So today I washed and "test fit" the armor to see where it would have to be cut and trimmed ECT... Trying to figure out how things will over-lay or where it'll need to be trimmed so it doesn't restrict movement too much. I need to get a dremmel and some Lexan scissors...? I stumbled across UKSWRATHS build and it looks to be very helpful I definently will be taking my time with this, but I'm excited to get started at least
  2. Did it from my phone so it's the mobile version of the website I think
  3. So I got a Big Brown Box on May the Fourth! Opened it up, sorted the pieces and took some pics. I'm very impressed with the quality and detail. Any tips and help is greatly appreciated https://m.facebook.com/MasonJoshuaR/albums/10212196564124686/?ref=m_notif&notif_t=like
  4. Shoretrooper... Point me in the right direction

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