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Theneedleslinger138 last won the day on April 19 2017

Theneedleslinger138 had the most liked content!


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About Theneedleslinger138

  • Birthday 06/12/1973

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  • Location
    Albuquerque NM
  • Interests
    my dog, my girlfriend, screen used movie props, action figures, hot buttered bubblewrap midget bowling.

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  1. thanks! i hit them up on facebook
  2. thanks! so far: KS bucket CHECK SC armor CHECK WW gloves CHECK
  3. i turned it into sandtrooper, due to oversized helmet lookong better on the pauldron, and different colors of ABS
  4. Building the brain bucket makes me a little nervous. Not gunna lie lol
  5. Just waiting for that trade group to open. As previously stated, my TK build was all kinds of boned
  6. Thanks! Everyone seems so helpful, and friendly on here. Getting STOKED!!!
  7. Thanks guys. Do you have a link for what you got?
  8. Reading all this and seeing how open and helpful the pathfinders are, is getting me even more excited about this!
  9. After reading this, SC will be my supplier haha. All good reviews, and even personal replies. I love it when people take pride in their work
  10. New guy on the scene here. Thanks for all the tips on this thread
  11. Looks awesome! Are there already kits available? Or is that a scratch build?
  12. Over $400 for the whole shebang on eBay. Which will put me WAAY over a grand. Not even including boots and gloves
  13. I plan on weathering mine when it arrives. I live in Albuquerque New Mexico. So will be earth tones and oill spots on the boots mostly
  14. Hey there pathfinders! My name is dave. Just moved to Albuquerque, in need of a new project. Decided to be a biker scout. The coolest of all the imperial troops! Step one for me is the helmet. Picked up a kropsirkel bucket kit last night. And got my eyes on a SC armor kit. Any problems with that kit? I bought an eBay TK a few years back that was completely wrong, don't wanna make the same mistakes again, and have a $1100 paper weight haha. Hoping to meet some guys from the dewback ridge garrison here in ABQ too. Any other advice on a kit would be appreciated. Thanks
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