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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by niennumb1

  1. That rifle looks AMAZING! Great job weathering, too!
  2. Aw man.... It's SO cool to see someone figured out a nice solution that is also comfortable. This looks totally doable.
  3. I had a Rubies converted that I liked, but it was REALLY hard to reshape and it was heavy, but it actually looked decent. The second and only other one I had was a KS and I loved it for how light it was and with some work got it looking super nice. The only complaint I had with it, being it was the earliest model offered, it wouldn't open right, so it became a sealed shut face, but my head still fit in just fine. Functionally though I wish it worked like the movie ones just because I am weird like that.
  4. Is Altmann's back into making the helmets? I thought they were a limited run years ago? I always remember those were one of THE go-to helmets. I had an eFX one on order Day One and ended up getting my deposit refunded in 2016 because, let's face it, I don't think it's coming out.
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