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Imperial Speedster

PFD Recruit
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About Imperial Speedster

  • Birthday 06/02/1975

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  • Location
    Perth, Western Australia
  • Interests
    Star Wars (Imperials). Chasing Ewoks, Motorcycling, MotoGP, History, Living life, Travel, Diving, friends, helping where I can and being the best I can be. Learning something new everyday.

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  1. Wow !! Those Look REALLY Good. Have been looking at getting a pair to go with my Scout Trooper Costume. Most interested in acquiring one. Does anyone make them for purchase ??
  2. Thanks for the Tips and Suggestions 'DarthVorhees' and '762s', Your Help is Greatly Appreciated . Have been looking at 'Imgur' as a choice for posting pics.. Does Anyone Know the Exact Paint colours for the 'White Circle' on the Tank Topper and the 'Grey Bar' on Front Lower Right of Chest Armour ?? Have Identified the Red for Tank Topper already. Thanks or Your Help
  3. Greetings Troopers !! Have my EC-17 Scout Pistol. Fellow Scout and Lancer has suggested I use Putty to fill in the Tiny Holes visible on Close Inspection of my pistol. As my EC-17 Pistol is a DVH Pistol and made of Hard Rubber, I would Greatly Appreciate Any Advice/Suggestions on how to solve this. What would You suggest ?? Looking to post images once I find a suitable image service since the demise of Photo Bucket. Your Help would be Greatly Appreciated. Cheers
  4. www.creativeartshop.eu s a Good source for 'Flak Vest' and Cummerbund. Run by Pascale a member of the Dutch Garrison 501st Legion. She made mine to Legion CRL Specs.
  5. Congratulations !! Your efforts are their own reward. Well Done Mate
  6. Could You Please state the exact contact details/site of where You acquired the "Grey 3M Bolts" the CRL requires for Level 2 Certification as I'm going for Lancer Status once last touches to my Scout are made, Thanks
  7. Greetings Troopers !! Am in the process of completing my Scout I'm looking for advice/guidance on how best to 1: Align one cheek of the helmet on my SC Helmet as it is slightly ajar, heard suggestions of a Heat Gun. Have not yet used one so guidance would help, Lol. 2:Cutting of ear holes, details/guidance of how best to achieve screen accurate look 'Turned In' look gratefully appreciated. 3. Grey 3M Bolts for Visor Hinge. Have explored Imperialsurpluscom as suggested. Am attempting to determine if they stock them as the site is Heavily geared towards Animated Clone Armour. WHERE could '3M Grey Bolts be acquired if that site proves a dead end ?? Help most urgently requested....
  8. Hi Travis, Am bout 85% complete on my Scot build. Agree, SC a Good source for armour, mine arrived last month and am Most Impressed with Quality and Service. Wampawear.com are a Very Good source for 'Biker Scout Race Suit' as well as the Scout Gloves, many Scouts use these. Creativeartshop.com is a Good choice for 'Flak Vest' and Cummerbund. Myself have recently received my DVH Pistol and I'm glad I went through Darh Vorhees as it is a Very good quality.
  9. Could You post pics of Bolts off and on Helmet please. Could be Interested....
  10. Congratulations Mate !!!! Good going . Am aspiring to attain 'Lancer' Status myself as my Scout needs only the Boots, and replacement suit. Well done mate !!
  11. Most Impressed at the step by step detail. Will be using as a guide, Thanks
  12. Hi, Am nearing completion of my Scout (About 85% Complete). Received my SC Helmet/Armour kit this month. Am most interested in replacing the Silver Bolts with the Grey Concave ones Your posted pic shows. Where Exactly did You find them ??
  13. Yeah, I would too. Recently received my Kit and noticed that one side didn't quite fit as well as other side. Myself and a friend agreed that adding a small bit of Velcro would be best suited and minimise impact on ABS plastic.
  14. My Greatest Congratulations !! Well Done. As I'm aspiring for Lancer Status with my Scout Costume, which is soon to be completed. SO I can relate to the efforts involved, Lol. Excellent Work Trooper !!!!
  15. Wampawear.com is probably the BEST site for the Glove and Biker Suit. Studiocreations.com is used by many Scouts for the Armour and Helmet. Ceativeartshop.com is a Good source for the Cummerbund and Flak Vest. Serving 501st Scout, Admiral Daala With the Dutch Garrison 'Pascale' runs the shop.
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