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PFD Recruit
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About Sop

  • Birthday 07/12/1994

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  1. Very nice tutorial, this will help a lot. Thanks
  2. Perfect, so I'll look for those treads in the forum. Thanks
  3. Ok, thanks you both. Great the tutorial about the best and I'm sure that will make things a lot easier. About the pouches, I'm planning to paint my armor with battle damage, so I was asking to know how people usually do and what colour match better with this armor effect.
  4. Well, my idea about making my scout trooper build is to start with de soft parts and then get the rest of the aromor. So I have some questions about it. I'm planning to do as much as possible myself, so my doubt are mainly about wich materials i should use. The first one is which kind of undersuit do you recomend me to make the flisht suit, because I see in the CRL there are many options and I prefer to ask to the experiencied ones whinch one do you prefear. The sleeves of the vest are cotton like the rest of the vest? Ad finally, what should the pouches be made of? And also important, which colour is better, white or off-white? Thanks
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