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AJay Irish

501st Legion (RET)
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AJay Irish last won the day on June 24 2018

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103 Excellent

About AJay Irish

  • Birthday 05/12/1990

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    Knightfall Garrison
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  1. Honestly just kit down and take a break. I do realise some people do have weak bladders etc, but in all seriousness, going to/from the toilet in kit actually makes me cringe. Unhygienic, and not a good look.
  2. Thanks everyone! 100 in just shy of 5 years I’m super pleased with. This was my first costume, and still my favourite to date. Super keen to keep representing the pathfinders out in the field.
  3. Awesome idea
  4. Congratulations! Well earned
  5. Congrats Mickey! In lieu of there being no question time and a default win, can I put forth some serious suggestions re: merch with this coming years 6 slots; Don’t waste more than two slots on celebration merch - most of the world won’t be there. Seriously. And please give some thought to running some standard logo merch again this year. I get it, the united theme has been good, but it’s no secret I’ve despised the “after the empire” ones, mostly because you’re giving a highlight position to a costume that’s still not even got an active crl off the ground. Personal feelings on it aside, I know I’m not the only one waiting on just some standard logo merchandise. And consider in those decisions as well again that not all of us are in the US - the baseball jersey idea might be popular to you guys there, but very little outside the US. Save those things for your home garrisons/squads. Best of luck in the coming year, I’m looking forward to hitting Ranger status in my biker scout this year under your leadership.
  6. Consider also; Unless you’re really going all out and creating them yourself, all the grogu’s around are retail toys. I can’t imagine anything of that status ever being included in a crl?
  7. Fantastic. Were it not for covid I would have hit ranger status 12 months ago now haha, still chasing on 87 currently. Christmas present hopefully fingers crossed Thank you for this initiative!
  8. Well given that we have enough trouble getting blasters in through Australian customs as it is (yes we run the risk of spending hundreds of dollars on stuff only to never see it) I can’t suggest any Australians would be willing to take the risk on this one lol.
  9. This looks to be April Storm’s files if I’m not mistaken. I printed one off her files too, very happy with the design.
  10. Even if only for just appearances sake, I would still suggest adding it as a variation of the biker scout. Again I’ll point out the Director Krennic and Imperial Gunner CRL’s for reference. It would make most sense to structure it this way seeing there is still a lot of the same base components regardless. Still it’s own CRL, but as a “version 2” etc.
  11. Perhaps we look at a scout variant much like the way the Imperial gunner is setup, or the director krennic.
  12. Anybody got eyes on a boot holster?
  13. I would also say that this cummerbund ribbing is more extensive than the original biker scout. The pouches not being there seems to show a few more ribs in it no?
  14. so my first suit from WampaWear has served me well but is now getting a bit tight in places so I'm looking at possibly upgrading to a new suit. in my 40+ troops I've noticed that the WW is thick, and does not breathe. weighing up the benefits of a two-piece. anybody got pics of their two-piece setup?
  15. Fantastic work guys, thanks for this glorious addition
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