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Everything posted by ChrisThePropGuy

  1. Thats pretty much it! Calling @Jakeputt and @BikerScout007 to give review on the following for the CRL.
  2. Inching closer. Just have to put the cumberbund together with the belt and pouches now.
  3. 6 Months later I decided to get this one finished up. Lots of other projects have taken my time over the past few months and frankly I got my mojo back for this. Thanks Jake for the encouragment! Ive redone the helmet and will show pics of that soon, for now here are the greeblies on some exisitng parts: I do believe this part is silver, not grey. Keen to hear some thoughts on it.
  4. As I wait for more paint, I finally had an opportunity to knoll out a kit. Who doesnt love a good knolling! These are also up for sale now.
  5. So my scout files have been by far my most popular set. Ive recieved many compliments saying theyre the best and while I am very proud of that I do think they could have been better. Today I finished off the adjustments for the V2 FILES! Ive reworked 80% of this from the ground up and am very pleased with the results. I wanted to show them off here and seek out any further critisisms/feedback from the experts here. Please note, while I have done my best to replicate the Vac formed look, some parts just sont lend themselves well to printed designs and may be slightly off, it is also not including things like rivets or fasteners in the renders. Enjoy!
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  6. Quick test, no padding or straps.
  7. Similar to @Thrasher but dyed it for about 20 mins rather than multiple baths. 7l water, 250ml salt and 1/3 cup of dye. Sent from my SM-G991B using Tapatalk
  8. Dyed and ready for riding patch. Excited to get all the sewing finished so I can go back to hard parts.
  9. Pouches done, just need to finish up the undersuit and sweing will be done, then onto painting.
  10. Like I said it's just a draft. I for one hate verbose crls but I do like clarity so gmls don't argue with you. I'd be keen to hear what you don't like though so we can make sure I'm not having to back track or change details later on on my build. Sent from my SM-G991B using Tapatalk
  11. Early stages, still need to fold under side. I also know its not currently centred.
  12. Ive also whipped up a draft for the CRL revision. It takes away some areas that have led people to confusion or making disproportionate modifications, sepcifically level 2 related stuff, while adding some more clarity and detail in other areas. I havent added reccomended paint colours as of yet as I am finalising this however I would for sure like to see what you guys think so far! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G8ZBUXex1TokF9KgWEpyd5kJgRnhVngCgHqDXZHsbuI/edit?usp=sharing
  13. I worked out some basic templates for my cumberbund. Id like to do a tutorial at some point however I think these would be good for people who cant quite figure out the proportions to make their own. Ive studied the ref as best I can and tried to incorperate the best spacing and camo I could, It may not be 100% but its pretty close and will get you on the right path.
  14. I just slide the shin over my knee, put on the boot and slide it down, its very easy.
  15. Toes and Shin fit like a dream! Just have to figure out best way to attach it.
  16. Here are the files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Nv2uJVTC3oZ6alMAWBKGgcU5JvpBOa2N/view?usp=drive_link Free for any Pathfinders guys to use.
  17. Yes, I'll update the file set to include them. Sent from my SM-G991B using Tapatalk
  18. The kit itself is now complete. I still need to make the elbow straps and belt but Im gonna be doing them out of leather. Also missing toe caps, need to build them to crowprop boot spec. And yes, back and tank are 1 part! Also test fitted all my softs.
  19. Took some feedback I got and redid the eyes. Much nicer.
  20. A slot of half an inch would be waaaay to small on this.
  21. I'd be happy to change it if someone can provide a good reference. As discussed on the Facebook group I'm going off the reference I found. The distance from the front and back of the slot seem to be about half the width of the slot from what I've found. I'd be interested to know how the original measurements came to be. I do have a feeling that it was just what looked right and then they took the measurement off it as everyone was using the same kit. I actually know the model so will ask him. Sent from my SM-G991B using Tapatalk
  22. Looking for cc Sent from my SM-G991B using Tapatalk
  23. Basecoat on the helmet, Accidentaly sprayed goji first but them covered with arabian. Thoughts? Bit hard to tell without the camo to tie everything together I know.
  24. I think I got it? Im thinking mid green which is a combo between the left and right shades. Let me know if I should move forward.
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