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Darth Zags 1497

PFD Recruit
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  1. It looks awesome! I want to make my own too, does anyone here have a tutorial or guide or something on how to make the cummerbund?
  2. I’m finished all the paper parts for now. Still missing are the Knee pads and holster. I haven’t found any good knee pad pepakura files, so I’ll attempt to sculpt it myself using 3D software Maya. It might take a while until I can do the resin coats
  3. I haven't forgotten about this. Building the paper structure takes longer than I thought.
  4. I'm going to attempt to build my first suit of Armour using pepakura and fiberglass. I know that there hasn't been any 501st approved pepakura armour for the Scout, but I think it's still worth a try. I will share progress as much as I can, but I'm very busy so this might take some time. Cheers -Zags
  5. one question. How hard is the plastic?. I'm trying to make a scout helmet that might be able to be worn in paintball
  6. This looks great. I'm an inexperienced, first timer looking to get his own armor. I was wondering if you could give me a few tips or direct me on how you got yours. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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