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3DImpact last won the day on February 25 2018

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    Boulder, CO
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    Professional planetary scientist. Enjoy hiking, birding, digital art.

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  1. Yes, it's an ABS faceplate - an extremely nice pull, with lots of very sharp detail. Really nice finish on the whole helmet - they really are beautiful. Dan
  2. I mentioned in Cheesewhoopy's Moncal armor build thread that I had a couple of Moncal's new helmets in hand (along with the armor sets as well). I thought I'd post some pics of that helmet here to not derail Cheesewhoopy's build thread. In each of the side-by-side images here, the helmet on the left is Moncal and the helmet on the right is RS. If I had other helmets I'd line them up as well, but perhaps someone can chop apart my images here and combine with others. All the side-by-side shots were taken from about 40 feet away with a 400mm lens (except for the top views, which were from about 10 or 12 feet) so that close-in lens distortion is reduced, giving a nice flat plan view in each case. I aligned the images on the visor bolts. So everything is to scale here, with only minor alignment variations from setting the helmets on the display stand. Front Left Rear Top Here's an image of the interior of the helmet along with a cross-eye stereo pair as a bonus if you can do that. Interior Interior (stereo) Looking forward to getting the corresponding armor sets built up. I'll keep one set nice and parade clean and weather up the other set for the Endor trooping look. I'm holding the third (unpainted) Moncal helmet in reserve for some future, TBD costume idea. Dan
  3. Will do. Give me a day or two to set up some comparison images with my RS... Dan
  4. Yes, I believe it is 'out in the wild' now - I have three! Dan
  5. Hi Rob, I didn't know that, actually - very neat! Thanks! So glad to have been able to get one of your helmet kits and very much looking forward to your entire armor kit when it's ready. You guys do such great work on everything you do (I have a couple commissions in the works with you - Andrea has the info and some extra reference photos etc. for you all when you're doing those - feelfree to email me for any clarifications as you're working on them)... Cheers! Dan
  6. Well done MrPoopie! Thanks for taking this on - it's a great service to the community! I'm a size 8 and I'll definitely be in for the purchase of two sets when you're at a point to make them available. Happy to pitch in early to help test development if it helps... Dan
  7. Sorry, this is a little off topic for here, but I finally finished off the costume build for this Rogue One character and thought I'd close this out with the final pics. Good practice for weathering up my actual Biker Scout when I can finally get to finish that... Dan
  8. BTW, I just happened to be watching my Blu-ray copy of RotJ this weekend and that scene showing the drilled out barrel and scope is indeed right there on screen during the Leia capture sequence... Dan
  9. Great, thanks - sounds like the approach I was planning on in the absence of standards. Dan
  10. So here's a question that has finally come up in my mind as I'm actually assembling things finally - is there a standard for the various rivets that are used in a few places? Like the attach points for the 2-inch webbing for the belt, the 12 mm elastic for the knee guards, the holster attachment to the boots. There are various size rivets that seem better matched in some instances (maybe 1/8-inch for the small knee elastic) than in others (3/16 maybe for the heavy-duty attachment of the boot holster)... Dan
  11. Excellent - that helps a lot, thanks! It was the forward attach point that was throwing me, the part where you have the L-shaped bit of scrap ABS glued. That now makes perfect sense. On to it... :-) Dan
  12. I'm finally getting on to working this area of my Strider armor kit - the holster. I'm still not completely clear on the geometry of the overall assembly of this thing. Can someone post a few images from various angles of their assembled holsters? How is the outer guard piece held in place - is it glued at various points? Thanks! Dan
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