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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by TukkOrdo

  1. Awesome, thanks for the help. Nothing a little elbow grease won't solve, I suspect. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. It has quite a bit. I feel like putting spray paint might make the armor lose some detail, but with how much wear is on it, I might have to. There's also some wear on the soft goods that I have to figure out how I'm going to remove. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Hey everyone! I just got some armor, using it for a snowy scout, and it has some wear that I'd like to remove on it. What's the best way to go about this? Would some Krylon white primer do the trick? I have some left over from some ATAT soft pieces. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I completely understand and I appreciate it when people are blunt, I like that. Also, I'm aware of the chest, I'm already researching the greeblies, those are pretty simple to change. The AT-AT has many greeblies, lol. I've already purchased the set, probably should've done more research, but what is done is done. I don't have buyers remorse, I know what I've gotten into with it. However, I'm really looking forward to getting to fix it up and make it look nice. The seller is making some soft goods for me as well, so all I need to technically complete it is a new helmet, boots, jumpsuit and some greeblies for the chest. I'll be looking into a new chest though, since it is fiberglass.
  5. I understand this, personally, this is a project suit. I'd like to work on it, maybe replace some things. This isn't a costume to get approved for the 501st, at least not yet. I'm currently working on my AT-AT, which will be 501st, then move onto this to make it 501st approved. I can't stand the helmet though, so I'm going to get an Altmann, maybe weather it to match the armor. Thank you though, the seller has explained the armor to me. Have you seen the armor in person/asked about it prior to now?
  6. Thank you for looking! I have some close ups on the pieces if you want a look. As for the chest piece, I'm already looking into getting some new lights and decals for the front. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Oh absolutely. I'm actually building a snow scout, and I was wondering if you could look at the rest of the kit (for scout pieces, chest needs some slight modifications I know of) and let me know what needs changing? I'm getting everything except soft goods. I'm not currently looking to get past 501st approval with the snow scout, I'm currently working on an AT-AT to get in. I'll be working more on this scout to get it approved after my AT-AT. I'd just like to make it look decent until then, and get an approved bucket. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I completely understand. I knew purchasing the kit the helmet wouldn't get approved. I got a set from a buddy in the 501st, and the helmet was just part of a larger set. Are there any helmet options you'd recommend that are pre built, or that are pretty straight forward to assemble? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Hello there! I have a few questions about the helmet that is displayed below. Note: These are not my photos, they're from the seller I'm getting the set from. First off, can anyone recognize who the maker of the helmet is? Second, what are changes that you guys recommend I make? I know the brow is too thick, and the visor look rather small. I'm planning on getting another helmet as well, perhaps using this one as backup or display piece. Thank you to anyone who can help me out! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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