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PFD Recruit
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  • 501st Garrison

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  1. A couple of questions. What are the best type of boot to use for a Shadow build? I've read threads about standard Scout boots and know those need a lighter sole. But the Shadow CRL's show a dark sole. As the original Scout boots were covered with leather. Can black leather be used, instead of vinyl?
  2. Currently, printing belt and holster pieces.
  3. Pieces printed so far. 2 Knees, 2 Bicep, 2 Forearm, 1 Blaster. All of the armor pieces have had an initial sanding and 2 coats of XTC-3D. The blaster just needs to be weathered and clear coated.
  4. Greetings, I signed up on the Pathfinder forums some time ago, but had not started building my kit. Well, now I have. In fact, I am working on printing (yes, I have 2 3D printers going) my armor, finally. I've started with the smaller pieces; knees, forearms, biceps, blaster and greebles. Soon, I'll start on the larger bits. I'm printing in PETG, with a 50% infill and layers clocked at 25* to the next, so instead of a straight "honeycomb", it's twisted, making for a heavier print. Every piece will get a good sanding and then at least 2 coats of XTC-3D. Before wet sanding and finishing. But, still a long way to go and I'll post the journey here.
  5. Absolutely, this is definitely the plan.
  6. Yeah, I fear this one is not detailed enough. At least it was free
  7. Greetings, This has been a long time in coming. Recently decided to start a Scout build. I've been a member of the Mandalorian Mercs for about 2 years now and figured it's time to branch out. I do have an Imperial Officer's kit most of the way done. Just missing the right boots. Those tend to be the expensive parts. Been looking for the right merchant to start pricing a pieces and coming up short. Then I found a pepakura file with every hard bit for a scout. So, hoping this will ease some of the cost burden. Any and all advise is most welcome.
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