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  1. I would try using Bondo, sanding it down, and try adding some ABS paste to it, so the color looks right. Good luck! In the future, you could try backing it up with wire mesh.
  2. Interesting. Wonder if we'd be able to see this in the movies? The helmet looks to be a mixture of a Shoretrooper, with a First Order helmet, and possibly, a Mimban trooper? I hope we can get more on this!
  3. Congratulations! Looking sharp.
  4. Looks amazing. Really good inspiration! All that work really paid off.
  5. That is what I was thinking, or you could just use it directly AS the stencil/template. As in, putting in directly ontop of the tanktop, and painting it. Sorry for the unclear explanation, I hope you can get this sorted.
  6. Congratulations! Wish I'd seen this thread sooner. You did a great job.
  7. The easiest way for me personally would to be use something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Alvin-TD1204-Circle-Master-Template/dp/B000KNJQRK/ref=pd_lpo_vtph_229_tr_t_2?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=11EGP1Z4WH1PYB4J4MF0 Basically plastic stencils, and should be moderately flexible. You could also reuse it for any other circles. You could also trace a dime, or something similar in size, and be guided by that trace. (I think the dot is around a size of a dime, a tad larger then those abdominal masking templates.) Check out this forum as well: It has some helpful information. Best of luck!
  8. Pretty much, from what I have seen. Check out this build, they used the same exact files, and looks pretty accurate.
  9. That helmet looks amazing. Super clean build so far. The inside is wonderful as well. I also had a question, so sorry if I missed it. What paint did you use? It looks really good, so I wanted to check. Thanks. Also, about the chin strap, I found this video: Around 10:30, it seems there are slits where you can put the elastic through. Looks like it stills needs to be secured somehow, but it's a starting point.
  10. Do you have any pictures of this? That may be helpful. My suggestion would be to use small magnets, but I'm yet to test that out.
  11. Nice, thank you! Any tips on cutting it smoothly? I've worked with these materials before. It's a tad difficult for me.
  12. Hey, everyone. Sorry if this was stated before, but I wanted to know what lenses I should use. I would assume a weildiers shield, but what color? Where could this be bought? Should I just get it separately from a helmet vendor, to save me from cutting it? Thank you.
  13. Hello everyone. Sorry if this was obvious, but I was wondering where I could buy some 3M bolts or replicas. 3D files could do as well, although I'm not sure if that is applicable. Thanks!
  14. May I ask how you designed the fan mounts for the helmet? They look really nice, and I kinda wanted to know the layout. I know people already said this, but it's really nice seeing a 3D printing thread, it really inspires me. I can't wait to see how it turns out.
  15. Thank you, you gave me all the info I needed. I appreciate it.
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