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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by InvictusCosplay

  1. I was trying to figure out why I was unable to find any FS post ha make sense now! Thanks for the help.
  2. looks great!
  3. What system is everyone using for the shoretrooper builds? I am very curious about it!
  4. Hello all! My name is Stephen Herron and I am working on y second 501st approved costume. The first costume I ever got approved was my Kylo Ren and my legion id is DS 52993. I am here to work on a Shoretrooper Squad leader that I have been working on since I received a 3d printer for Christmas. I am currently printing the amazing Sean Fields shoretrooper files on a Robo3d R1+. I currently have the pants, shirt, gloves, boots, and two different belts. I need to get a Kama and i should have all the soft parts for this build. As far as printing goes I have almost finished building the helmet and next will start on the chest armor! Anyone else from the Midsouth Garrison here or from/close to Henderson? -Stephen Invictus Cosplay
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