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Chopper last won the day on November 25

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About Chopper


  • Member Title
    Captain of the Guard

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    Lancer TB
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  1. Even with the knees dropping a bit, I still think the boots are too long. Measure out a point that's 3" from the top of the boot, then take some of that blue painters tape and put the top edge of the tape on the 3" marker. Then take a photo with your flight suit and knees on. That'll show if it's about the right height or not.
  2. Good work with your progress. A few points -- It looks like your pouches are attached to your chest plate? You might want to consider attaching them to your bund, They'll sit flatter and more naturally that way. Sorry to have to say this, but your boots will likely need some alterations prior to clearance. I'm just eyeballing the height, but I'd say maybe 2.5"-3" needs to come off the top. Again sorry to have to point that out, but I imagine that your GML would mention it when it came time for submissions as well. Keep up the good work.
  3. You have a few options, depending on your budget: @Chrisx909x sells boots and soft goods, here: Gio from CrowProps sells boots: https://crowprops.bigcartel.com/product/biker-scout-long-boots-white-with-accurate-soles Chef in the UK sells boots: https://chefscreations.co.uk/ And if Lancer/Level 2 is not something you're concerned with, you can look at KeepTrooping: https://keeptrooping.com/product/biker-white/
  4. Good work on your boots. And yes you're correct that the boot build tutorial pre-dates that clarification on the CRL. You already know this but always, always check the CRL for the most current information.
  5. For the most up to date info you could ask RS directly to see what their current pouches look like.
  6. Also, if you bought the soft goods with the full commission, then you'll get the Keep Trooping soft goods that RS sources. There's a potential that you get yellow pouches. I'm not sure if they're using those still but they are an issue for clearance. I'll try and find the thread about them.
  7. No complete build is necessarily approvable out of the box. The need for further tailoring and adjectives will entirely depend on how it fits your body. If you post up some photos when you first put it on, then we can advise. As for the drop box strap question, the CRL says: "Drop boxes connect to the belt via white textile straps" The elastic is acceptable for Level 1 clearance.
  8. Those boots and the sole color should work fine.
  9. I would reach out to Mr. Poopie to get his files.
  10. That photo is not mine, it's from the thread posted evaluating the model: When we looked at the reworked model our assessment was that it would pass basic clearance, though quite honestly, the model is still not great. I suggest you reach out to user @LookBehindYou if you need firsthand experience with any modifications to the model.
  11. The specifications for the Mando Scout neck seal are fairly general, so a TK neck seal should work just fine. Neck Seal Black with horizontal ribs. Conceals the entire neck. Fitted to the wearer.
  12. BTW Darman makes a very comfortable neck seal: https://www.etsy.com/listing/642686929/stormtrooper-neck-seal
  13. You can see a finished photo of the GA holster in this photo: The holdout blaster is not very big and you should not expect to fit your whole hand through it. See reference image from ROTJ, below.
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