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About Skeletor

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    New York

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  1. Finally, a long-awaited update! I sat for MONTHS just waiting for stuff to come in, and yesterday, my helmet kit arrived from MonCal! It already looks far superior to the other kit I'd had. Updated my first post to reflect all the items I have in hand now. I'm still waiting on a flight suit and flak jacket. kriptonTop is all sold out, and of course NOW is when I have the budget to order them. .. Soon though. Soon. For now, I shall start fitting my armor on over a plain black jumpsuit I have. The helmet requires some sanding and fill work, but it's worth it.
  2. Good to know! I have the boots in hand and most of the soft goods on order. Just looking for the flight suit and flak jacket. After that, all set!
  3. Thanks for the replies! As it turns out, the WW was NOT the one I was thinking of, I had it mixed up in my mind. 😅 The one I was thinking of actually is the Cucblack suit, I saw it when I checked their page. After looking at the WW suit, I immediately removed it off my list. As for the flak vest, I'll shoot Steph a message!
  4. Been a while since I've been here. I'm finally resuming work on my Scout. How accurate is the Wampa Wear flight suit? And does anyone here know where I can buy a flak jacket?
  5. Okay, I received my helmet kit today! The 501st member I bought it from said he got it from a Polish maker and didn't list a name, so... Anyways, the kit seems... off. Can someone who's good at these helmets chime in with an opinion? The helmet is split into 4 parts, with the visor and faceplate having already been glued together. The top and back are two seperate pieces, and the ears have been cut out. The snout greeblie is too big for the snout (though I assume that can of course be fixed by sanding it down to size.)
  6. Looks like cheesewoopy makes both the cummerbund/pouches and boots. I shall update my list!
  7. Hello all! I initially joined up on these boards to build a Shoretrooper, but that was years ago. The other day as I was cleaning out my shed, I stumbled across blueprints I purchased last year to build a full-sized speeder bike replica. I decided that would be a fun project, but what's a speeder bike without a Scout? 😂 I have compiled a list of vendors I plan to use for items, and each item will be updated when I get them. Of course, this list is open to change based on feedback. Helmet: MonCal (ordered, received) Armor: MonCal (ordered, received) Flak jacket: ??? Flight suit: ??? Gloves: Wampa Wear (Ordered, received) Boots: cheesewoopy (Ordered, received) Balaclava: Military surplus (have in hand) Cummerbund/Pouches: cheesewoopy (Ordered, received) Blaster: DVH (Ordered, received) Once I start getting more items in hand, I'll get this thread rolling. I look forward to this adventure of becoming a Scout!
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