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rdraider last won the day on March 12 2017

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About rdraider

  • Birthday 06/19/1972

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  • Location
    Canyon, Texas
  • Interests
    Hunting, Camping, various hobbies,
    and anything Star Wars

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  1. Thanks for all the hard work guys!
  2. I can wear glasses in my Altmann's. Its a bit tight and i have to take them off to get the helmet on, but i've got a large head. SO take that what's it worth. I can ay this. Spike's are worth the wait.
  3. AWESOME!!!!! Congrats man! This gives me hope!
  4. looks fantastic!
  5. Looking good!
  6. SO If we are getting an Altmann's, order a 3M 9001 series headband and use the grey bolt that comes with the helmet to secure the headband. Sounds like a plan!
  7. So, I've talked to Jason about his build. As it seems we are close to the same size/build. I'm worried that the chest and back parts are not to scale for us. Just by looking at the pics, it seems they could be 2-3 inches wider and maybe an inch or two longer. It doesn't seem to fit him well. Its riding too high and not on his shoulders. Jason, this isn't a critique of your build at all, just a concern about the fit of the armor. What are your thoughts?
  8. I reckon this is PIN worthy!
  9. Just an FYI for all those new to this. The gloves are great, but they do run small. SO follow their measurement instructions and then order the next size up. I just got my XL's in and will be ordering XXL's next month.
  10. I went and tried on the Brahmas. They fit well enough
  11. Hey guys, Been looking all through the boot forum with out much luck. Does anyone have recommendations for a guy with wide feet? I normally wear anything from an 11 1/2 EE to a 13 D, depending on the make of course. Got the E6000. Just need the boots, velcro and vinyl. Sprained my ankle yesterday and so will probably wait a few weeks and go up to Sears to see how the Texas Steer boots fit. Thanks!
  12. Hey Jacked! Welcome aboard. I'm in the same boat you are in as far as being new to this stuff goes. I placed my order last week for my Altmann's! Seems there are a lot of good vendors here that can get you what you need if you cant do it yourself.
  13. Looks Awesome! Being new to this whole mess, its nice to see how a full grown scout looks in his armor! I'm a little TOO full grown, so it'll be interesting to see what my options are for armor. besides losing weight.
  14. I think the comparison shots got lost in the album. Never could find them.
  15. Forgive my newbie-ness, but why not buy the kits from SC or KS and fix the issues from the get go? Are they hard to fit together?
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