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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by DougieFresh

  1. Perfect! Thank you for your help!!
  2. Hello everyone, almost finished sewing my undershirt together and it is time to start thinking about the armour! I have the resin cast Inception Studios kit. Anyways, what I am wondering (apologies if this has been answered elsewhere already) is thoughts on splitting the ab/ kidney piece on one or both sides to get into it. This is how I did my TK and I was hoping J could basically just copy my TK harness system. Thanks in advance!
  3. Hey guys, just to throw some controversy in here....... I have seen a couple pictures (online and Rogue One visual dictionary) where the hip plates appear to be made out of leather. Apologies if this has already been brought up elsewhere.
  4. http://www.softmoc.com/Items/images/585_XX4.jpg If I file off the markings on the heel.
  5. Hey guys, new to the detachment. Anyways, while U am waiting for my armour I am sourcing boots. Any thoughts on the Blundstone?
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