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About BikerScoutAlexx

  • Birthday October 30

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  1. Happy New Year too all!
  2. Heck yea! Any known patterns for the cod piece that you are aware of? Otherwise that's perfect thank you!
  3. Hey guys, I'm looking at making my own cummerbund however I had a couple questions. Does anyone have a pattern for it? Aslo which materials are acceptable I've heard duck canvas? If some one could chime in would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  4. Just got my bucket from New image props, I think its pretty nice. Feels sturdy and looks great Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  5. Following as well! Great question for us newbs
  6. Sweet guys thanks for the input! Paul LOOKS GREAT! You dont happen to have a picture of the inside of the helmet do you? I went ahead and placed an order yesterday fingers crossed, set me back about 350 USD after shipping, and I guess they are including a little plaque thing with new ones now as well. Did it come with a stand? I thought I saw something about one but I may be wrong. I'll post an update and a few pics once it arrives!
  7. I'm a bit skeptical I messaged them on Facebook and they said no longer than a 2 week production time.. also the price
  8. Sorry if this is the wrong place for this wasnt sure where to put it but has anyone heard of New image prop replicas from the UK. Was thinking of ordering a Helmet from them but Id like to see if i can find any information on them before hand. The helmet is a made of fiberglass and ABS. I provided a link to their website for the helmet and also their facebook page. Thanks in advance https://www.newimage-prop-replicas.co.uk/product-page/full-size-biker-scout-trooper-helmet-version-3 https://www.facebook.com/NEWIMAGEPROPREPLICAS
  9. How low are the drop boxes on the belt suppose to go and what widths does the strapping need to be on the chest piece and straps going down to drop boxes? Also advice on how to connect the shoulder straps on the chest and back piece would be great thanks! Pics for reference not my actual pieces
  10. I did just place an order with him I was told an eta of 6 weeks. We will see, i hope that doesnt affect it much i definitely dont want to wait a half a year when told 6 weeks
  11. Sent them a message thanks tjohn770
  12. Looking for a Flightsuit who does good work and isnt super pricey thanks guys.
  13. Yeah i read something about that definitely changed my mind. I think I'm just going to order a set from SC it's a lot cheaper too just need to find a flight suit now Sent from my LGLS992 using Tapatalk
  14. Hello newbie here! Got a set of SC armor but no helmet, not sure if I should get a SC helmet or are there better options. Whats your thoughts? Thanks !
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