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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Dauitsch last won the day on April 3 2017

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53 Excellent

About Dauitsch

  • Birthday 10/11/1976

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  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
  • Trooping Award Badge
    10+ TB
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  • Gender
  • Location
    Neuss, Germany
  • Interests
    Star Wars, Video Games, Historical Reenactment, Socializing, Fitness and Sports, Crafting

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  • 501st Garrison
    German Garrison
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  1. I usually sport a EU42/UK8... got me a UK7 and a UK8 from Orca directly since I wasnt sure... However, what I can tell is that the UK7 is a bit too small for me and the UK8 is ok even though they are a tiny bit wider than I am used to from other shoes. Long Story short... if one has normal feet according to the size mentioned they might appear a bit wide in first place but this changes once you actively star wearing them. My take would always be the bigger one rather than the smaller one and I really had/have the opportnuity to crosstest them. Taking the smaller ones will not make you happy especially not on all day troops. The Orca problem is simply that they dont do half sizes which is a real shame the UK7s (Sand) are actually still brand new, boxed as they came from the UK, only worn for roughly ten minutes in house and guess what... they are available for a very nice and fair price If anyone is interested, just drop me a line (hope this little advert is acceptable since I spiced it up with some valid information: )
  2. I second all the praises!!! Got me a "Hero" version as a kit and I can tell, dont want to get another. It might be a bit heavier than others but once you found your personal "saggy-boot solution" its fine. Though it grants the feeling of sporting a real weapon rather than just having a toy. In the end, the fact what the source for the scope casting is, speaks for itself
  3. Same here, it was the perfect pre-worked kit, just had to do the strapping and well... I did a full 2k paint job on it beofrehand and now I could even throw it on concrete without getting any scratch on it.. Weathering is also final and fixed eternaly that way Consti, what are we doing in late September? I guess we might have a group pic to do^^
  4. nice build Mickey! ...Strider´s is just the best Biker plastic available in town, no doubt about that : ))
  5. done that, thanks a lor fot reasearch and clarification Side Note: I didnt paint the cuts, just fitted the fresh "wounds" to the general weathering of my boots which might look more intense on the pictures than it actually is
  6. Hi guys, I wonder if there was any progress within the discussion of additional scout weapons, no matter if a sniper rifle (DLT20-A) or a simple carabine (A-280) ... both made by Blastech by the way (just like the E-11 and the DH-17) which was, as a manufacturer under imperial control... Dont get me wrong, I dont want to argument or even fight for any specific weapon/model but though I am curious to learn more about the average opinions and possible future options
  7. Alrighty Shaun, just received your boots and I can tell I am in tears of love^^ leather is one its way too and I start asap. Could you maybe have an open eye in case you find a pair in size 8 for me? this would be like reaching the stars : D
  8. I would not suggest to go with this one (OK a printed one might be lighter than a casted one), though I havn´t seen an accurate version that came out of a printer yet. Since you are located in the US, a Polymeer or a Hyperfirm is just a stone throw away and they are both great! In case you prefer a slitghly lighter one which is even undesctrucable (rubber cast), then we have a guy in Germany who does them absolutely perfect. Round about a hundred is the price tag you are looking for in any way if you want to have a good one, hope this helps
  9. thanks for the flowers Bro! The boots just arrived savely as of today and ill try my best to have at least Shaun´s pair rdy until you depart
  10. hehe yes, this would be me... just forgot to mention that you are the shoe supplier, remebered this just after my post was made. Pleasure to meet you as well! ...will update here about the latest leather findings soonish...
  11. Hi have made mine in real white leather and after a bit of research for the closest leather I was able to find which wasnt easy until today. I started doing them, even though the leather was not realy shining and had also a bit of natural texture, I am totally happy with the outcome. After they had been done, I fatted and polished them in order to remove a bit of texture and make them more shiny. As a last step I gave them the weathering and I would say they are well done even if there is always room for improvment in terms of leather that is even ore accurate. Those have definately not been the last pair of boots I made and so for example I am currently in discussion with my leather trader in berlin who will try to find me the most closest leather possible for Striders new boots based on Sierra Hi-Tecs. But have a look on your own... After making: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=17186&view=findpost&p=155029 After weathering: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=17238&view=findpost&p=155317 Bottom Line is: The closest leather to find so far is not pure leather since it has a shiny and glossy layer on top which is not real leather. Anyways, for me Vinyl would not be an option at all and leather would be the only choice
  12. Hy guys, Since I decided to stick to my detachment for the next costume, it turned of course out to become a Shoretrooper (aiming for SL and lvl 2)... Already ordered my bucket from Sidejoeys here in Germany who already has some of his great models out there and so far I think I will go for a BSP armor kit. The question why I write this here, would be that I am curious to learn about the quality and Detachment perception of the "Shore combo" offer at imperialboots in terms of soft parts. Since I can get it shipped directly within the US to relatives in SD and then get it brought over to Germany I am quite attracted by this offer, any experiences or verdictions about it? cheers!
  13. Okies, here is how I come to the conclusion that using the A-280 might indeed become an option... This part of the trailer is all about the single player content (Story mode) of BF2 and it describes the experience of the so called "Inferno Squad" as part of the Endor Battle whitnessing from the ground that their Death Star and Emperor had been defeated. The point is that they want to open an ankle that hasnt been opened before which is telling stories and introducing protagonists from an imperial pont of view by covering the 30 years before TFA (next to Aftermath). Of course this is all new and kinda made up recently, however it will fit into this whole new canon thing and might become an addition to the universe. (So revealed and confirmed by the Game Devs and Christie Golden who is writing this whole thing for Lucasfilm). With that backstory and the trailer in mind, the screens we see here are clearly part of the rewritten Battle of Endor, where the Scout is using an A-280 to kill a rebel Soldier. No Java here, nor as part of the old Lore, neither of the new extended one. Thats why I think the A-280 as always used within that battle could be an interesting alternative to a scoped DLT (where we have actually no proof of to be used on Endor, apart from the games though)
  14. I am totally with you that the full loadout from the game cant be carried at all since it must make sense somehow (and in best case have a canon proven reference with it) thats why I was directly attraced by this A-280 image when it came up at the show today. Other than that, the only choice imho should be a scoped DLT (I prefer the DLT20-A). But even then and to get back to your comment... not every Scout should have it on troops, maybe one or two per 4 pps. squad since not everyone in a combat team can be the sniper guy
  15. As per the recently released Story Trailer for Star Wars Battlefront II (which is canon) and since there are currentlyy discussions about possible Rifles for Scouts ... I have to confess that i really like the idea of possibly sporting the wonderful iconic Blastech A280 as taken from a dead Rebel, especially when deployed during the ground battle of Endor. Any opinions on this?
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