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the dirty trooper

501st Legion Member
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About the dirty trooper

  • Birthday 08/09/1970

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  • Location
    Burton Upon Trent, UK
  • Interests
    Star Wars

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    UK Garrison
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  1. What power sourse are you using to power the LED's Stephan, a 9v Bty?
  2. I'm happy with mine. A few floors but nothing I can't sort. Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  3. Has anyone tried the acetone vapor trick for the 3D ridges instead of sanding for the E-22?
  4. I think I've sorted the front LED's. Sent from the dark side of Tap Talk.
  5. After looking at my blaster I've found where the lights are coming from. Sent from the dark side of Tap Talk.
  6. From what I can see there is nothing there to light. Sent from the dark side of Tap Talk.
  7. Where are these lights coming out from? Sent from the dark side of Tap Talk.
  8. I can't find any other references to this round recess on the back. Is it accurate? Sent from the dark side of TapaTalk.
  9. Really! The guy on the phone said £18. Sent from the dark side of TapaTalk.
  10. Sent from the dark side of TapaTalk.
  11. I've found a UK manufacturers that make the ski boot/shin armour lower buckle. I have 4 sets going at £18 Inc P&P (UK Only) Sent from the dark side of TapaTalk.
  12. Can I ask? What is the preferred method of off putting these on? I have seen a few ways. Elastic hinges on the front and velcro for the shin armour with a Velcro fasten for the inside of the shin straps. Is this the prefered way?
  13. Doing a TD is very costly. MY fieldpack alone was about £500. We're a bit special on the dunes of Tatooine, Mos Eisley. lol.
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