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About sharkbait

  • Birthday 06/01/1986

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    Central CA

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  • 501st Garrison
    CCG - South Valley Squad
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  1. No, I haven't ordered yet- Phasma is next year's project. I have to finish my three in-progress costumes this year before I can start on any more, haha.
  2. How is it working with the fiberglass material Jimmi's kit uses? Is it harder, easier, not at all comparable, etc., to working with ABS? (Other than the dust issue- I know a respirator and other such protection are in order). A Squad mate (who did a Shoretrooper) told me E6000 just pops off. I'm actually asking in relation to his Phasma kit, but it's made of the same material as his Shoretrooper kit, so I thought someone over here might have some insight. I'm slightly concerned about cracking, as Phasma doesn't do weathering, so I can't disguise my fixes so easily. Lastly, I'm 5' 11'' and around the 145 lbs mark; so, I'm not small by any stretch of the word (also a girl, with hips, so that's a concern, got lucky with my TK and didn't need shims). Jimmi is a smaller guy, and I've heard his kits reflect that. Any bigger troopers have any thoughts? I've never worked with anything but ABS, but prior to my TK, I'd never worked with anything, and that turned out great, so I'm cautiously optimistic. Any tips, tricks, etc., are much appreciated.
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