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501st Pathfinder
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Barber last won the day on November 2 2019

Barber had the most liked content!


215 Excellent


About Barber

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  • Level II Badge
    Lancer TB
  • Trooping Award Badge
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  • Location
    Tampa, FL USA

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  1. Yes I do. I have a couple in my tour of duty log on here you can take a look at. They are towards the very end of the log. There are also a few on my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CM_ES8JsAFl5pw-AtEQ7bfqGq4GmJwVru3xCIg0/?utm_medium=copy_link
  2. Thanks brother. Let me know if you have any questions! Good luck on the build. When it’s all done, it’s a solid blaster to carry and honestly not very heavy at all. Keep in mind you’ll want a wooden dowel rod down the middle of it. (The 3D file is made to accommodate this!)
  3. Congrats and well done!! Love the weathering! It’s spot on.
  4. Congrats trooper!! Lookin great!
  5. Received! Thank you so much for doing these for us!
  6. THANK YOU ALL! These past 100 troops have been an absolute blast and I am looking forward to the next 100! Mickey, I hope this pic will work. It was a recent favorite of mine.
  7. Congrats Scout!!
  8. Congrats Mickey! Keep up the good work. This wouldn’t be the best detachment in the legion if it wasn’t for you and your team.
  9. Congrats trooper!!
  10. You're almost there! Don't forget to weather your bund/cod/pouches! I dig the weathering on the armor. Velcro helps so much with suiting up. I recommend velcro under the bicep armor pieces and the knees. (I had problems at first with troops where my knee armor would slide down and hit the top of my boots).
  11. Congrats Mickey!!!
  12. For what it’s worth, Disney has a bunch of DLT-20As on display in their Rise of Resistance ride (in the queue area before the briefing). They are all black with a good amount weathering, so that’s personally what I went with when I painted mine.
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