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PFD Recruit
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  1. I keep trying to upload a photo but it's too large I guess lol I'll have to do it via my laptop later
  2. Is there a limit to how many boxes must be on the belt? I'm quite slim, and 2 side boxes on either side can pretty much wrap around me...with just slightly more then enough gap for a buckle The second boxes in the back are getting in the way of my TD If anyone has any ideas on how I could modify or resolve this problem while staying acceptable that'd be awesome
  3. My boxes are a little low because it wasn't pulled up high enough
  4. Appreciate any input on things. This was all hand built by myself and my 3D printer. (Apart from my helmet and flight suit and gloves) I know I still need to drill out the ears to place mesh... trying to figure out placement on that still. Also my vest is still being templated (think that's a word)
  5. Thanks doods
  6. Is weathering acceptable?? I'm a new human. Haven't found anything yet on color/paint regs Cheers
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