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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by karmajay

  1. Correct on the fiberglass.
  2. It may be slightly darker but you can weather to match. Plenty of people have done so and been accepted with the helmet.
  3. This was my first set of armor and I can't imagine how all those shiny white and black armor stays so clean!
  4. I bought it off shapeways. https://www.shapeways.com/product/DMZASXJHY/shore-triple-canisters?optionId=62188361&li=ostatus
  5. I think Jimmis kit is the least amount of work because the majority of details are molded into the armor. You just may have to do fit changed due to your body style.
  6. I just don't think you can. I sprayed mine with a matte clear coat and still ended up with a bunch of scratch wear after just one day at Celebration. It seems like it may need to be fixed over time.
  7. It is probably easier as a first build. There are less pieces so less connections over all.
  8. Looks like a jimmi kit with the curved backplate.
  9. No static burst for Shoretroopers
  10. EDIT: I saw you posted the same in another thread.
  11. Grats!
  12. What did you scrub the grease off with? Thanks!
  13. Thanks!
  14. I have the Shoretrooper boots from the ImperialBoots.com site.
  15. What are the best way to weather shoes if you don't live near the ocean. A little bit of sandpaper and a dip in a saltwater bucket/ Thanks!
  16. I just got an email that mine are about to ship. No idea when that means I will actually get them though.
  17. From what I've read the color is the SAME the black series is just higher pressure out of the can. (Since this brand is usually used for art, etc)
  18. Looks great! Must have been a heck of a lot of sanding though!
  19. I just got a call from the art supply company I ordered the Beige from in late December. Their distributors are bumping their estimate of shipping orders from mid Jan to mid Feb
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