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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Patty1985

  1. The price is about 400 Euro.
  2. The maker has the name Armour Factory Props, they seemed to be set in Spain, their main page is with spanish language. I know what you mean, but it´s not an armor from ebay. on their FB page they have pics from the helmet they molded.
  3. Hey fellows, i´ve got a short question, i found this armor in the internet, is this armor ok for beginning with a scout?? I compared it with reference pics from RotJ and i would say yes, but i know it´s always better to hear others opinions. Thx in advance for your help brothers
  4. So fellow scouts, here it goes Today came my flightsuit, just had to remove all not neccassery plots, and short cut him on the arms and legs a little bit.
  5. The end is near, still some small things to do (i know, some parts look strange, not straight) but for my first scout helmet i´m very proud
  6. Alright fellows, my scout is coming all along. In the last days, i managed to get the helmet nearly to the end, just need to add some padding, the visor lense and the decals
  7. And the work goes on brothers Dome is nearly done, just need to fix some small adjustments. Next part is the visor and face plate
  8. And now it´s going further Today i´m cleaning all edges and tomorrow is glueing day
  9. Today i got my BBB with a nice packing inside
  10. That´s a great work Strider, your scout looks awesome
  11. Hi fellow Scouts, this is my building thread for my upcoming Scout. This is my current list of the needed parts. Helm - a Wolfpack helmet (is on the way at beginning of january) Armor - SC Gloves - Wampa Wear Boots - Bikerscoutboots.com Blaster - PA Flightsuit - still researching Vest - still researching Cummerbund und Pouches - still researching Balaclava - Underarmor.de If you have any ideas, critism or help for me, i would be happy to hear
  12. That's great to hear that the SC armor is well seen. Then i just need to collect the money for the armor. But i guess i have a lot to do with my coming helmet Kit. Slowly one step to the next
  13. Hi my fellow scouts, i'm Patrick from germany and i'm already a member of the 501st legion with my animated Clonetrooper. Now i want to build a scout, the helmet is already on the way and will reach me on early january. I'm just concerned about the armor. Surely moncal is a good choice, but i think the armor from studiocreations is even good for the build. What do you veterans say for the armor?
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