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501st Pathfinder
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About Rogue1138

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    Pewaukee, WI

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    Wisconsin Garrison
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  1. I get the problem with the scheduling. It's always going to be a losing situation for someone. This is my first Celebration so I wanted to do the big panel at least once but I really wanted to do all the group shots too. Least with the lottery system I'll be heading into SWCC with a clear plan what I can attend.
  2. FYI, the group pic might be directly against the Episode IX panel. Good news is that it's a virtual queue this year and everyone will know before hand if you got into the panel or not.
  3. Nice pic of the Black Series fig. Really highlights the shin how the side blends into the calf piece and it’s not just a Shoretrooper shin slapped on.
  4. Back piece is identical to the Shoretrooper. Kidney is deathtrooper.
  5. OCD is the most accurate I’ve seen so far from the front. ArmoryShop’s shins aren’t correct. Just need to verify the back side and it could easily be used to start a CRL. Though I have no authority to say so. Just a fan of the armor. 😂
  6. Lego Patrol Trooper makes it almost look like a TLJ FOTK TD. While it’s far from screen accuracy, it’s better than the 12†figure.
  7. I think the toe is painted and there’s armor pieces for the top of the foot and heel. Makes sense. The toe piece would pop off when walking.
  8. There’s a SH Figuarts figure coming out and they tend to be pretty accurate for a toy. Might be the only way to see the rear. Lego fig makes it look like there’s a FO style TF but I can’t verify with any pics yet.
  9. I want to order a second pair of Orca Bay's just to have. They are amazingly comfortable.
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