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501st Pathfinder
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About Scarif20J

  • Birthday 07/20/1978

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    Lakeland, FL

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  1. Are flat top rivets acceptable on the holster/boots? Or are the ones I see technically eyelets?
  2. I know it’s been a while since your post, but what did you use to fuse the yard sale sign to the boot vinyl? Thanks!
  3. Once upon a time I saw a post about supporting/bracing the inside of the boot “sleeves.” Using thin plastic sheeting so they stand up and don’t fall down the leg. Who here has done that? I’m gonna try, but not sure how to attach the plastic to the vinyl. Does this make sense?
  4. Hey everyone, I’m nearing the end of my Scout helmet build. How did YOU attach the lens? I’d love to see more photos of the inside of helmets. Don’t be shy. I’m not here to judge! Looking for creative methods. Thanks!
  5. I’ve scoured the forum for any CURRENT thread with links to makers who are currently taking orders for flightsuits, but I’m not having any luck. Can anyone out there help? THANKS!
  6. Mine is still able to be broken down into 2 pieces, so it fits in my trunk. Plus i feel less likely to be targeted as a real threat!
  7. Ditto on the saving unused pieces!
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