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Everything posted by Bugz

  1. And if you want to do it yourself (assembly) check out the KS kit, (190$) ish I believe, good price
  2. Foam tape? Like the stuff around windows for insulation? Sorry dart, confused by what you mean. My PLAN was to be extremely slow, tape things and post pictures, then E6000, which I thought if need be, has enough give, I can rip, clean, and re-do?
  3. Well my MBB (medium brown box) showed up today!!! Now to figure out how to trim/assemble it without screwing it up!! (And I can't figure out how to post pictures on here, not the same as other places)
  4. Damnit Chunk! I was hoping there was an actual color, lol, guess I'll have to mix, can't find Anything around here that's my size with an acceptable tan sole, frustrating to say the least
  5. SO I got my confirmation/tracking number from Brenda at KS today, hopefully wont take to long, as our 2 cities are 4 hours apart, lol, but we shall see! On a side note... has anyone put out a "Putting it togeather" thread or video on the Kropserkel Helmet? As this is my first build, and a Christmas present, LAST thing I want to do, is trim something way to short, or totally fudge it up beyond .... well... just beyond.
  6. But what colour?
  7. I'm curious what/how you painted your soles Check, could you elaborate?
  8. I can't afford to be the BEST I can be, just more like a knockoff lol
  9. Not really a fan of the scortch marks/weathering, maybe with some bondo/sanding you could clean it up.... What's he selling it for? Cuz that could also make a huge difference as well
  10. Excellent, and this is from the get go? Or those are just Lancer fixes?
  11. Did I miss the thread on the needed KS fixes? I can't see anything on it?..... NVR mind, it just appeared pinned.... I hate my phone sometimes
  12. Maybe I'm wrong, but that almost looks like the animated Rebels version of a scout.. (and not sure why the cummerbund is showing as a hard printed file, not a soft part as it should be) plus no pouches on that, so maybe it's throwing me off
  13. I'm in Ottawa, and currently waiting on my KS helmet to arrive, so I'll let you know whatever i find out.
  14. Curious about your vest/black T-shirt.... Is it in your build thread?....... Never mind, got intelligent for a second and went and found it! Cheers!
  15. Do such a thing exists? Iv been wondering/looking for 2 reasons, (blizzard detachment has not been fruitful). Firstly, I know it will take me a while to get my TB together, figured I'll have the helmet, why not create a few foam pieces here and there, then swap them out as I acquire proper bits... And secondly.. For the kids... I know people like Walt (wtf) do kids kits, but I'm not going to spend 400$ on a kit he'll outgrow in a year...maybe two. (Sorry Walt, still got love though!!) So I was wondering, if anyone knows of, or has, TB or TS templates that I can scale down to make a foam kit for him (or them, as his sister is into everything he does) or scale up to fill in pieces I need? I'm sure with enough reference pics I could do a "decent" job... But Id rather do it "right" so to speak... ~Bugz
  16. Curious to see how you did your vest as I need to make one as well..
  17. Curious about your vest/stitched up T-shirt
  18. Was just inspired by a local garrison member, but I was thinking overboard lol... Red undersuit, and red electrical tape, in stripes, across your armor pieces..... Look like a candy cane trooper! Lol....... I need to save money and get actual armor FIRST...... *sigh* lol
  19. So who's Gabe? Musta missed that part
  20. Yeah KS has got his helmet kit for around 190$
  21. Thanks cheese, but i don't have Prime, and you must not be looking at Amazon.ca, because I can't find those anywhere... Cheapest I'm finding is 43$ with 35$ s/h.... Lol, so that's not worth it, but I appreciate it! I'll keep looking because I would rather make them myself
  22. ....blaster damage?
  23. And of course, I can't find them in Canada lol
  24. Cheese, you got a type/make of what those are? or whatever they poped up on Amazon as?
  25. thats what i mean, taking off too much in this spot or that..... just dont want to screw it up
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