Based off the new promo pic...the pants seem to just be regular jean/duck type of material...with a white strip running down the side. I first thought the pants were gasket like as the top undershirt is...but doesn’t seem that way in this pic. The upper torso is definitely a gasket material, with crazy amounts of ribbing. I’m curious if the upper torso undershirt is the same as the DeathTrooper? I had the pleasure of trooping with my DT garrison brother, and his undershirt looks very similar to this characters.
The boots are definitely high up to the underside of the Dart said, riding boots. I don’t see buckles or anything so they may be some form of Imperial Command boots? The shins are recognizable as ShoreTrooper right shins...yet the left has another feature to them where it buckles to the back part of the shin armor. The right shin is definitely noticeable.
And hello Denis! Love your work brother. Looking forward to seeing the armor when it’s done! This is Blake H from FaceBook lol