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501st Pathfinder
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About ST52780

  • Birthday 05/27/1980

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    Star Wars of course, videogames, my wife, and my Pug Leia.

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Northeast Remnant
  • 501st Profile Page

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  1. Hello! My my name is Blake and I’m a member of The Northeast Remnant in NJ. I would like to post here that I have started our first ART in the Garrison. Info will be posted below! ART name: Garden State Recon Garrison: Northeast Remnant, NJ ART member count: 23 Garrison Contact: Blake Hartmann (ST52780) Logo: IN THE WORKS Let me know if you need a list of the members names and TKID’s. Thank you!
  2. Based off the new promo pic...the pants seem to just be regular jean/duck type of material...with a white strip running down the side. I first thought the pants were gasket like as the top undershirt is...but doesn’t seem that way in this pic. The upper torso is definitely a gasket material, with crazy amounts of ribbing. I’m curious if the upper torso undershirt is the same as the DeathTrooper? I had the pleasure of trooping with my DT garrison brother, and his undershirt looks very similar to this characters. The boots are definitely high up to the underside of the knee...as Dart said, riding boots. I don’t see buckles or anything so they may be some form of Imperial Command boots? The shins are recognizable as ShoreTrooper right shins...yet the left has another feature to them where it buckles to the back part of the shin armor. The right shin is definitely noticeable. And hello Denis! Love your work brother. Looking forward to seeing the armor when it’s done! This is Blake H from FaceBook lol
  3. As I’m sure a lot of us are aware...the shoulder bells are the DeathTroopers...the biceps have a resounding similarity to the biker scouts...as well as the forearms. I know Armory Props is working on a kit and has the helmet done. Just a matter of getting our hands on better resolution pics and seeing these bad boys in action in a few weeks! Looking forward to helping out with this CRL as I’m interested in building this guy. I’m sure a lot of us here know most of the stuff that goes into this character so far.
  4. I’m looking at grabbing Armory Props helmet...it’s roto cast resin and looks very good. As far as the reference pics we have seen so far, they did an amazing job. Here’s their helmet. And please let me know if this is not allowed, but I can post the reference pics to compare how theirs matches it almost identically http://i.imgur.com/mAHwjx9.jpg http://i.imgur.com/8pSAKid.jpg http://i.imgur.com/7OlwYpY.jpg Here are the only reference pics I could find until the movies release http://i.imgur.com/tdEUjVz.jpg http://i.imgur.com/4xihCcn.jpg I do realize this is already known...but I feel having these specific parts mentioned in the CRL are important.
  5. I went with Montana Gold Himalayas for my Squad Leader. To me the MG Everest they offer is too dark. Just my opinion tho. Screen used color was Ford Nordic Blue...the Himalayas is almost identical.
  6. Nice grunt! Welcome!
  7. Nice build! Congrats!
  8. Congrats!
  9. Which kit did you go with? Forgot to ask on my last post lol
  10. Awesome armor! Congrats!
  11. Hope this is the right place to post this but I was just approved in the Northeast Remnant Garrison for my Squad Leader armor.
  12. Awesome job!
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