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About ABomb

  • Birthday July 26

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    Great Lakes Garrision
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  1. I ordered the R1 E11B and just received it. I would suggest requesting having HFx leave off the fake tac light if you wish to attach a working tac light. I forgot and had to cut it off but it was not much of an issue. Had to clean up come of the glue but then again not that big a deal. Once the opening in the t-rail is accessible you can easily screw in a 3 slot rail. Make sure you pre-drill some holes first IF the holes on the rail don't line up with the holes in the barrel or it will go in crooked.
  2. They are all over eBay for approximately $40. Search M300a
  3. The E22 has a shoulder strap for when it begins to "get heavy" towards the end of a troop. There is no holster for an E11B
  4. Hyperfirm has a rubber Rogue One E11B. I just ordered it but I forget to tell them to leave the fake M300a tac light off. I had to cut it off but it was not difficult. Once the light was cut off, it was easy to install a real tac rail in the open space. Now I am waiting for the working M300a to arrive There are many differences between an E11 and E11B. Some of it is slight repositioning of the same pieces. Others are totally different pieces.
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