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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Cptjamesflint

  1. You guys are amazing! I'm still cracking up about the rowdy discussion on elastic widths. So many excellent ideas and suggestions, thank you all!! I'll experiment with several of these and report back! I initially took the adhesive backed leftover velcro and placed it across the bridge, but it passes UNDER the armor, and doesn't give that flush effect, so you guys gave exceptional guidance, thanks a ton!! This place is incredible. So much love and support all around!!
  2. Hey guys, Finishing up my SC build - and the 501st requirement is to have WHITE strapping connecting the front and back plate, however the T-strap that connects above the shoulder is black, per the SC instructions. Any suggestions, or tips? I do have some white adhesive backed velcro left over. Would it be acceptable to cover the open black T-strap section, and leave the adhesive back on? What have you guys done to connect the top section with white strapping, while still using the T-strap setup?
  3. Sound advice and information, I'll give that a shot - thanks very much my friend!!
  4. Hey Retrofire - thanks a ton for that! I should have checked the official 501st site before asking, thanks for pointing me in the right direction!! Any tips on the SC helmet bolts to keep them tight? After a few flip ups of the face, it doesn't really stay up for me, but I'm afraid I might damage it if I overtighten it. Thoughts? Thanks again!
  5. Hello all, It's a dream come true to finally be on my way to joining the ranks! With the exceptional help of Cheesewhoopy I'm over halfway done with my build. Picked up SC armor, and currently I'm only lacking the gloves from Wampawear - should be arriving this week, and currently have an order in with Cheesewhoopy for the cummerbund and boots. Finished sewing everything yesterday, used some E6000 to epoxy the greeblies, and basically just want to be sure I place the decals in the proper place. Anyone trooping in SC that could provide pics of your decal placement would be greatly appreciated for your help! I've done some digging but have only found helmet help. Thanks very much, in advance everyone!! Cam
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