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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Tarragon

  1. Where & when is the Pathfinders meetup?
  2. I took TB-27399 for a photo shoot in the Redwoods back in 2019. Those trees were huge.
  3. I bought a SC kit for my daughter & am quite impressed by it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Here are some photos from last weekend. I have shortened some of the elastic lengths. I still need to shorten the height of the shoulder bells. New decals have arrived for the tank. Awaiting new end caps & 15mm elastic to arrive, then we’ll be submitting photos for approval. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Yes, I used the SC green visor. I wonder if the person who said it was difficult to see through the visor had removed the protective film from both sides prior to looking through it 😂 I’ll take some photos of how I attached the hip Box strapping. I just glued them in place. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. New end caps ordered from SC, and 15mm black elastic ordered off eBay.
  8. Oh yeah, and weathering needs to be done
  9. Things remaining to complete: Bucket - visor installation, snout greeblie, decals, chin strap Attach shoulder bells to Chest/back with cable ties Forearm armour - attach elastic Belt - attach velcro to webbing Hip Boxes - attach rear webbing to belt TD - black belt clips Attach pouches to cummerbund Attach diaper to cummerbund or flak vest
  10. I'm attempting to build it to Lancer level. A couple of things that I need to update to meet Lancer levels are: TD end caps (concave) TD hose colour, may need to be darker Knee caps, awaiting 15mm (5/8") black elastic Bucket, seam on dome requires filling (optional). Bucket, chin strap (optional)
  11. Ok, I haven't posted any updates on this build. So here are some photos of the current build status. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Do you have a link to where the 3D print files are shared?
  13. Welcome Andrew. Have you made contact with your local 501st Garrison? Terror Australis Garrison https://forum.501tag.com/index.php I'm sure the team there would be more than happy to assist you with your build.
  14. Welcome to the Pathfinders Andrew
  15. Cheers Curtis & Kevin
  16. Not sure if I would agree with you on that I've seen some seasoned builders struggle with assembling a shoretrooper. Buy it does depend on whose kit you buy. Some are more labour intensive than others, with more pieces & details. Some assembly can be finicky. When I put on my kit, i put it on in the following order: pants undershirt neckseal shins boots torso lumber plate hip armour belt back chest biceps + shoulder bells forearms gloves balaclava bucket
  17. Definitely worth having a mentor that you can ask questions of & request photos from. I've been helping friends in Australia with their builds, by sending them photos & videos when they need assistance.
  18. I bought them for my daughter but thanks for the heads up Jonas. I'll be buying a pair in the future for myself
  19. No his eBay seller name is genusspatrone http://www.ebay.com/itm/Biker-Scout-Handschuhe/272684078500
  20. Too comfortable for a costume. I loved wearing mine around to break them in
  21. Very handy, thanks for posting these comparisons
  22. I just ordered a pair of small from them
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