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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Xenuprime

  1. Did you end up getting your armor from 850? I' also curious how they've improved and how much correcting needs to be done on it. If they are as accurate as Imperial Surplus now, I don't mind a little extra work.
  2. I see the detail between the 2 front boxes, very cool! I am curious how well that will show up. Either way, great job with these revisions.
  3. I'm looking forward to this. I haven't decided if I'm going to go with liquid masking or chip the paint off after. With liquid, I have gotten edges that are too soft and not sharp enough.
  4. Yeah, I'm hoping a more accurate one comes up for sale before I need it. Jim's (which is great) could be modified, but until we get better info from the movie, etc, it may not be any better anyways. The one thing I'm not great at yet is sewing.
  5. I'm ordering Everest, but I'm still not sure which red to try first. Ketchup looks pretty good. Edit: arrgh. I just saw himilaya blue and Kent blood red. Those 2 look even better to me. Everest looks a little too blue to me. Himilaya with weathering should look really good. Himilaya: http://www.londongra...-400ml-Himalaya Kent blood red: http://www.artistspr...-Blood-Red.html What do you think?
  6. Hello all, I've done a few costumes, but this will be the first one i plan to apply to the 501st with. something about this one (Rhino driver too) just made me immediately want to do it (putting Dredd on hold for it too lol). Anyways, glad to be here, it seems like a good group.
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