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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by keys

  1. Not sure how much this will help but: I did follow Panda's guide for the most, but had to make larger cuts to the chest/back and used the heat gun, though it still sits a bit wide on me. I padded out my bund to address this, but plan to rebuild the chest/bund eventually (because I look like a sausage). I made return edges but ended up removing them due to mobility issues. I installed a hardhat liner and added padding to the top of the helmet to bring it up so it wouldn't clunk against my chest piece--- gave me a whopping 2in of added height (bringing me to a towering 5'1" in kit lol). I replaced the forearms and shoulder bells with Walt's kid TB pieces, though since have cut the SC shoulder bells to fit. We have a Scout in West Texas that's my size and cut the forearm pieces down, I just went the easier route. I can dig tonight to see if I have any build pics if you want if it at all helps.
  2. Thank you! Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
  3. Stupid question: what's the FB page for Pathfinders? Just dawned on me I've never seen it.
  4. 🤤 oh wow, thank you!! I probably look like a grinning idiot right now..
  5. Just wanted to check in -- is there anything else that needs to be addressed? Thank you!
  6. Ok here we go--- front and back shot, and a closer shot of the mud flap (with as best lighting as I have). Actually, I have no idea how to upload full size images (earlier there was a complaint they were too small) without going over the limit, or getting hosed by Photobucket. I've included an album link too just in case because I seriously am not forum savvy. Album: http://imgur.com/a/lMvqI Thank you!
  7. Will do when I get home this evening!
  8. I have made the following updates: - changed out the gloves for the Wampa Wear XS gloves - cut 1 inch off of the mudflap Album: http://imgur.com/a/x68kb I'm wearing a knee brace on my left leg in these pictures (hence the weird stance in the front facing shot), but did my best to ensure my leg pieces remained as even as possible. Included are additional pictures of the strapping and bicep T-bits as requested. I did ask Chef on June 16th about the update to the 2 inch bicep strapping--- those update have not been done (though, I was told since my application was submitted prior to the update, it would be ok for now). I do plan to update those within the next few weeks or so. Please let me know if I need to include or update anything else!
  9. I'll look into that, thank you!
  10. Thanks! I'll get those updates done and posted ASAP. As for the gloves... those are the smallest size available. I just have very short arms. Am I pretty much out of luck because of that? I'm really unsure how to make them any smaller. Thank you again!
  11. Hey, I haven't heard back in the last month-- are there any additional corrections I need to address? Thank you!
  12. Thank you! The pictures are higher resolution, just pasted some "preview" images in the post. I was unsure if I needed images there, or if the link to the imgur album would suffice. All of the photos are higher resolution there. I didn't want to go over my image limit within a few pictures, my apologies! As for the corrections---- I removed the additional line on the tank. I forgot to remove my guide line when I was redoing the lines lol. Thank you for the catch! Tank: http://imgur.com/8Kgu4jO Also re-positioned the biceps: Right arm: http://imgur.com/SIuKpgt Left arm: http://imgur.com/Y7lSwSE Re-positioned the boxes so they sit at the same height: Right: http://imgur.com/dqxUUzZ Left: http://imgur.com/jw2HXjG I think the elastic on the butt flap was just how the photo was... it's fairly smooth: http://imgur.com/0EOrj35 http://i.imgur.com/iRHIXar.jpg Please let me know what/if any other adjustments or corrections need to be made. Thank you!
  13. Name: Nichole Humphrey TKID: 38259 Garrison: Star Garrison, STX Squad Height: 4'11 Weight: 49kg Helmet: SC Armor: SC, shoulders/forearms WTF kid kit Boots: Self Cummerbund: Self Pouches: Self Flak vest: Self Gloves: Wampa Wear Flight suit: Modified Red Kap Blaster: Hyperfirm Main album of pictures (60ish pictures): http://imgur.com/a/RMwLM
  14. Thank you for the input! I was thinking about work around because I was figuring it would be firm. Would either be acceptable?: 1) build a second cod for Lancer, and keep one for trooping or... 2) sew in the strap right at my... bits... so the strap is thinner there but keeps to 2" in the front and back Just thoughts!
  15. I'm finishing up my Scout build with intentions to go for Lancer after basic approval. Running into a big problem with the cod piece however: the 2" strap that connects it in the back. The problem? I'm small (towering 4' 11"). So small, I cannot... physically walk due to the width of that strap. If I sized down to like 1-5/8" strap, would this absolutely prevent Lancer? I mean, I can walk.... very bow legged lol... and not for long
  16. Ok! I think those may be the bolts SC included in the kit? I'll look this evening when I get home. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
  17. Thanks! Hoping to get this finished up by the weekend.. I was going to pick up the 3M bolts to replace the bolts sent in the kit -- haven't had time to run and pick them up yet though. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
  18. As the title suggests, asking for any opinions/pointers from the seasoned vets (as I stumble my way through this build!) 1) Is it normal for the face mask to pop a bit forwards? Should I perhaps create some sort of velcro attachment to keep it in place? 2) Do they eyes look to be the appropriate shape, or should I try to curve it a bit more at the top? 3) How snug does the visor need to be to the top of the lid? I know right now there's gaps large enough to park a car in there, I just worry about over trimming and making the visor too short off of the front. 4) Also, on the last photo, should the slight excess on the chin (red arrow) remain, be trimmed, or is it acceptable to give it a small return edge inwards? (and yes, I still need to ABS paste the part where I connected the cap to the back of the helmet--- weekend project!) Thank you!
  19. Apologies if this doesn't post correctly, I'm once again without internet and posting from my phone... I'm doing the initial test fit of my SC kit to work out what/where I'll need to alter to fit my frame. I've run into a few snags I need assistance with: 1) the chest and back piece fits decent, but is about 2-3" too wide on the sides. Would it be safe to heat/bend it into position better? 2) the forearm piece is... huge on my tiny noodle arms. Is there any bringing this in, or should I look into a kid sized piece? 3) the edge of the vest sleeves need to stick out past the shoulder bells, but not be strapped down by the upper arm piece, correct? I think I need to redo my vest, sleeves are too long. I know I'll need to trim the shoulder bells, but I'm worried my arms are too stumpy for the kit and come submission I'll get denied based on that. Any suggestions are welcome!
  20. I'd like to thank AT&T for cancelling internet service due to wild and crazy clerical errors on their end. I've enjoyed the near lack of internet (thank you, mobile phone) for the last week and a half. Protip: if you bundle, make sure 1000x over they enter the ENTIRE street name correct, especially if two streets over the street name is near identical. Not all for loss though-- I did manage to work on the boots (and rewire the media cabinet, and pick out paint samples for the bathroom, and garden...). Wasn't as hard as I thought, but I couldn't for the life of me get those little detail stitches on the dog bones. Messed up half a yard of the material trying. Eventually I'll build another pair I think. Comfy shoes, but very cheap. Next up: flight suit (eep) mods!
  21. I ordered from SC on the 8th of January (quoted 4 weeks)-- asked for an update on the 9th of February, and he let me know there was a slight delay due to the plastic arriving in damaged. Super nice and very quick to respond on things! Asked for a status update today, but in no real rush (Celebration plans went kaput anyway).
  22. So, I'm gearing up to build a Biker Scout. I figured I'd keep some sort of build thread going in hopes the more seasoned lot can catch any mistakes or give any suggestions throughout the build. This will be the first time I'll be modifying an adult kit to fit my frame (an absolutely towering 4'11 50kg); my Stormtrooper is a WTF kid kit. Helmet/Armor: SC Gloves: Wampa Wear Jumpsuit: Modifying a Red Kap suit. Boots: Modifying some kid's work boots Cummerbund: Building from scratch Vest: Modifying a t-shirt Sidearm: TBD, likely Hyperfirm "Officially" my build began yesterday (the 4th) with some work done on the soft parts while I wait on the SC kit to arrive. I won't count Friday, because that was 6 hours of teaching myself to use a sewing machine-- the only sewing I've done before was doing sutures, ha! Decided to knock out the vest first-- would rather wreck a $5 shirt than the jumpsuit. I had a spare shirt leftover from my Stormtrooper build. Thankfully, it was sized up a lot to fit over the jump suit. There's a lot of stitch pulling. A lot. 20 minutes in, I already had my first "blood sacrifice" of the build. TIL seam rippers are sharp little boogers. About 2 hours and a few more finger stabs later, the sleeves were finally prepped. My "Project Manager" Lola dropped by to make me fill out incident reports for all of the self inflicted finger injuries. I did manage, after about 4 hours of sewing mayhem, to get the sleeves built and sewn back onto the shirt base. My first worry (already on day 1..) is sleeve/arm/glove length. I'm wondering if I'll need to take in either the sleeve, or the glove due to how stubby my arms are... I guess I'll have to mess with that when the armor kit arrives Called it a night after that and made a cheesecake. I still need to open up the neck (would stretching it out a bit more work? Or is the cut necessary?) and add the velcro to the back. Next weekend, I'll finish up the vest, tackle the flight suit as best possible, and the hopefully the boots.
  23. Thank you all for your help! I've been leaning more towards SC with the overall reviews I've seen across the boards. Will keep researching though!
  24. So, I'm in research mode on armor/helmet kits. The general concensus I've seen is SC is the way to go. My issue: I'm small. Quite... 153cm/51kg. My worry is the armor will swamp me. I've looked at Walt's kid kit as an option too, but unsure what mods are required for approval. I can fit in the kid TK with adjustments done for my hips. Or, if I get a regular sized kit, how much room would I have to trim/adjust without looking like an Ewok wearing a Biker Scout kit. Has anyone else built a kit to fit down? Most I see are builds for 5'3 and up. Thanks!
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