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501st Pathfinder
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ScaryGuy last won the day on June 15 2021

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About ScaryGuy


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    Vanguard ST
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  1. Shouldn’t the chest recess remain tan for the Andor version? That was discussed in the other build thread:
  2. Congrats! Well done!
  3. I designed my own belt boxes since there were no accurate 3D files available. You can download them here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5877902 I’m a shorter person (170 cm / 5.6”) so you might have to resize them a bit. To attach them to the belt you could use threaded inserts, here’s how I did it:
  4. For the straps check Bone Buddrus on facebook, he’s in Germany. Or Mr Paul’s Shoretrooper Build, but he’s in the UK so import taxes will apply.
  5. @BikerScout007 please use these, thanks!
  6. Thanks! Happy to continue being a Vanguard ! A small correction, Shore Beamer was the first one to achieve Vanguard for both the Grunt and Squad Leader, so the credit for being the first with different versions goes to him. I'll take the 3 strikes credit . Events and photo ops are still a thing for the (hopefully near) future, but I'll try to come up with a new picture for the The Mandalorian Squad Leader this week. The Rogue One version from the application thread is fine. They both go on the wall?
  7. Nice! Thanks @BikerScout007 and @mrrikki for doing all the CRL work!
  8. The main reason I modified my BSP shins was to get rid of the moulded in shin straps which don’t look very accurate. As an added bonus I could shorten them at the same time. The biggest issue with the BSP kit is that everything is very wide. As you can in my build thread that Minimo linked, I have modified the forearms, biceps, shins and side bridges to reduce the width. This is a picture of my modified BSP kit. I’m 5’7 and around 150 lbs. The chest and shin plates look relatively big, but workable at my length. If the choice is between BSP and Imperial Surplus, Imperial Surplus would be the better option size and accuracy wise. Reducing the length of other parts would be difficult. If you really want a good fit, 3D printed armor is the way to go, although the sanding process is not going to be fun. This is my new and scaled 3d printed shoretrooper. Maybe it’s time to invest in your own 3D printer , abs kits aren’t cheap either. Have a look at Cricket’s build thread, she’s 5’4 too. The result is amazing. You can’t tell she is smaller until a taller person would stand next to her.
  9. You can find a dropbox link here: https://shoretrooper.co.uk/ Sean's files are not the most accurate available. Some parts might require modification.
  10. You mentioned being interested in achieving Vanguard. Himalya Blue is noticeably different from Ford Nordic Blue, so that might not be your best option if you want to get there.
  11. If the return edge on the bottom of the shins is still present you should remove that first so your shins will sit lower on your boots. Since the shins are curved to match the shape of your legs and boots you don’t want to remove too much from the bottom. If you need to shorten them more you can cut a piece from the area which will be behind the upper strap. Any seam will be hidden by that strap. I did that in my BSP build.
  12. Congrats Mickey!
  13. A bit of weathering can fix that. Still better then the black they were using.
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