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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by italianjob85

  1. To put my two cents into this chat, I worked with the originals from the movie and had access to the London celebration kits. The material is a light black nylon with a black eyelet on the corner to keep it from blowing away too much. It looks like its canvas but that's all done through weathering. They did a LOT of airbrush work for the weathered look. However, if you want a canvas look I do have canvas in stock and can make a canvas form of the kama. It would be a dark dark brown. Hope this helps you guys in your debate. -Tony
  2. Yeah I am not sure why the requirement is there but look forward to your PM and we get the ball rolling. Sorry about the delay on the response been super busy over here.
  3. My kamas are made from Nylon, with elastic bands. The material is exactly what was used in the movie. I have heard a lot of people weathering it using just paint or rubbing it in the dirt actually. The nylon holds the weathered look well.
  4. You need a certain amount of posts to gain access to the trade section I believe. I am not sure the exact amount. Sounds good, try the link above if you can if not we can do it through PMs
  5. Head on down to this link! http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=16286 My vendor page here on BSN
  6. Run two is going to start accepting folks starting this Sunday! Keep an eye in the trade forums section. Also the Mark II kama has been unveiled!
  7. Dude! Obey Wan! I love it! Its looking great I am so happy to have helped you guys out on this project. Let me know if you have any further questions on my pattern. I'm glad we can work together as a community to make great things. =) Don't worry my friend Run 2 is only a few days away! Stay tuned!
  8. Sorry for the delay! But here is a photo of the inside of the kama. Also your kama you made, the shape is off. The panels are not rectangles.
  9. I am currently a vendor for them! The inside? Like the backside? Also yeah my prototype was a little too short on me. All of the newer kamas go past the knee by 2" and around the hip bone by an inch. They will also overlap a little bit with the shin guards. My new material is coming in this week folks! I should have another prototype soon.
  10. Hello folks! Sorry for the delay was out of town these past few days. So I can't post the pattern because of some legal reasons but i can post my first prototype that I made. I am sorry if that's an issue. But here is the actual look of the kama. Mind you the color and material is not truly accurate but the pattern and shape is. More to come! If you want more details you can always PM for info. -Enjoy
  11. This pattern and information is not correct. I don't want to sound mean or rude its just the situation at hand. I'll be posting something very shortly. Those who know me on this site can vouch that I am serious about the kama information and pattern.
  12. Yay how exciting!
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