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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Greedo10360

  1. Unfortunately, the earlier date being during the school year will knock out at least a half dozen of the Cloud City crew. But I'll still spread the word to see who can make it down there as it sounds like it'll be a lot of fun!
  2. Watching with interest as we have a contingent of Cloud City biker scouts that want to make it down there for this event. Once a date is locked in, I'll post it up on our boards and spread the word as I think we can likely bring down around 6-12 scouts. Maybe even some TKs.
  3. It's funny, I must have trooped 20 times before I realized that was even there! I put my car keys in it from time to time, but we are also blessed with those wonderful pouches for holding keys. I really don't know why it's there but it's come in handy!
  4. Hello and welcome!
  5. Looks good and well done! I think your drop boxes could be shortened up a tad and make sure you have your balaclava on for your submission photos as I can see some skin from the back. Great work and should be an easy approval!
  6. This is what I have. Granted, I have not installed them yet, but I have heard they will work. http://www.theclip.com/store/Metal-belt-clip-661-Tempered-Belt-Clip.html
  7. Yes, I've heard there's a banned member that sells on etsy. There are some links to good vendors through the trade forum. I used Max's Sci Fi through Facebook and am very happy with my undersuit and flak jacket. My boots and cumberbund/cod/pouches were from Chrisx909x and they are fantastic. I think there is a vendor in the U.K. That will do boots and bund as well. Check the trade forum as I don't want to lead you astray with my bad memory! Lol
  8. Hello and welcome! Glad you went with Altmann's. I did as well and it's really nice. The armor and helmet itself, at least for me, was a perfect fit and didn't need much to make it 501st approved. Check out my build thread as it'll show you what I did and how I did it. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=16320 Feel free to start your own thread once you get it and there are a ton of people on here that will help you through your journey, as they did with me. Looking forward to seeing your progress!
  9. Looks good and I don't see anything that's not mentioned above. Regarding the thermal detonator, the greeblies are upside down (dot goes on the right). Easy to fix. Great work on your build. Get approval and start trooping!
  10. Looks pretty good for basic. Can't see anything that would hold it back. Great work!
  11. Very nice! Need some t-shirts with those on them!
  12. I received my basic approval from my GML today! So excited to be a biker scout. Thank you to everybody that helped me along in this process. I'll be getting ready for my lancer submission soon and I think all I need to add is the clips to my detonator and adjust some fit issues, but I think it should be nearly ready. Of course, the approval committee will tell me if I'm wrong! Lol So glad to have basic approval. Again, thank you to all the brother and sisters on here that helped along the way.
  13. I got approved by my GML! I'm a scout now! Thanks to everybody that helped me along the way. You all are truly great!
  14. I've seen both big and little scouts. Everybody said that spike's armor was the best if you are a bit on the heavy side and I'm 5'10" and 225. Fits without many mods. I'm sure you can find something that'll work!
  15. Thanks Spike, it's really great armor!
  16. To address the feedback I've received, I have lowered the pouches by one inch, adjusted some armor fit locations, and then took some better photos to make things easier on the GML. Here's round two! I think I will need to do some Velcro to the underside of the hard armor and then to the flight suit to help keep it all in place. Now to scrape off that pesky white from my knee rivets!
  17. To address the feedback I've received, I have lowered the pouches by one inch, adjusted some armor fit locations, and then took some better photos to make things easier on the GML. Here's round two! I think I will need to do some Velcro to the underside of the hard armor and then to the flight suit to help keep it all in place. Now to scrape off that pesky white from my knee rivets!
  18. Thanks for the feedback. I see what you mean about the pouches being too high. I'll have to get creative to add a longer tab on them to get them to drop about an inch. When compared to the reference photo that Mickey uses, I can see what you are talking about. The pouches themselves were made by Chrisx909x and are just about 6.5 x 6". Also, thanks for your feedback on the knee rivets. There's so much erroneous information out there depending on what CRL I'm looking at that it's been a bit frustrating to get everything right. I can easily take the paint off and I looked at the 2017 CRL and you are spot on. At least that's an easy fix! Thanks again!
  19. Awesome and thank you! I was thinking about adding a little Velcro to the bottom of my chest armor and the top of my bund to keep the connection tight. I'll get the rest tightened up and try to get some photos during the five minutes of daylight tomorrow! Lol Thanks again!
  20. Posting these here too to see if there's anything else I need to do or adjust for basic approval. Any feedback is appreciated and also let me know if you need better photos as these are a bit dark and were taken by a child.
  21. And here we go! Initial attempt to put it all on. Please let me know what you all think and if I'm ready for basic submission. Any feedback is appreciated and also let me know if you need better photos as these are a bit dark and were taken by a child.
  22. I couldn't wait until tomorrow, so I added the rivets to my belt. I then painted my greeblies and all that was left to do was try it on...
  23. Got some additional, exciting, progress done today and the list of what to finish is down to 2 items! I sewed my pouches to my bund and attached velcro to the back. Being a bit barrel chested, this was essential. I also sewed a line of Velcro to the flak jacket. This flak jacket is from Max's Sci Fi and it is really nice. I love it. I may need to shorten the sleeves, but we'll see once I put everything on. I finished the 1 3/8" elastic for my biceps. I also did a small strip of Velcro on the front of my flight suit. This will keep my cod up. Note, the flight suit is also from Max's and I love it! Once I finish my other one, I'll have a warmer back up for colder outdoor troops. I added some elastic stirrups to the bottom of my pant legs to keep the legs from bunching. I added the elastic around the shoulder bells. And lastly, I redid the cotton webbing on the sides of my armor. The ones I had would work, but these are a little nicer. So, that's it for now. The last two things are to paint one part of my tank greeblies white and add the two rivets to my belt and I am ready for basic submittal. I'll get that done and post up some pics for feedback.
  24. Thanks Mickey! Is that usually done by sewing them on or some other way? That answers that question! Lol
  25. Thank you! I got some foam in them now too so they look pretty good now. I'll get them swapped and need to figure out how to secure them, probably velcro on the vest. Great product from Chrisx909x. Only waiting on a few last pieces and I can do my last bit of sewing, rivets in my belt, and get some basic submission pics put together! Excited to join the club.
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