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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by RoboTom

  1. APPROVED! Thanks everyone for your assistance with this. I also got a cool speeder bike style bag to keep the DLT-19x in from Wallys custom creations
  2. I think I have fixed the two issues I was having. Ive now securely attached the sight to the main body. Before It was sitting on-top of the barrel. Now firmly attached to the main body (no gap). Ive also added 4 x black gauge wires along the ends of the t-tracks. Have a look and let me know if you think anything needs to be changed. Thank you all 😀 sight fixed 4 x wires added to the t-tracks
  3. Cool! thank you all for the clarification. I will add 4 x black wires along the ends of the t-tracks. What do we think would be best for this? small thin elastic rubber bands or some small black thin wire? With the wire I could twist the ends and to hide the twist part poke the twist back inside one of the holes along the section.
  4. Further to the above, I based my weathering on the way the DLT-19x appears in the battlefront game. Ive looked at the images I have used and I cannot see the wires on the end of the t-tracks, but it could be because they are black colour on black colour and are difficult to see. Are the wires there?
  5. Thanks for the info ArandunFF, I put my DLT-19X in for submission any my GML rightly pointed out the sight needs to be address. I should be able to get this fixed. They also pointed out missing wire from the end of each t-tracks. Ive had a look at several images on there DLT-19x and haven't seen any wire, but I haven't seen one up close. Does anyone have an image of the wire in question? I want to make sure I get it approvable. The image they supplied (below) is of a DLT-19, not the 19x.
  6. Thanks AradunFF. I have changed the position of the scope as it was angled incorrectly to the right,and made sure the barrel is rotated to the correct 90 degree alignment. This is how it looks now. Any feedback before I put it in for submission?
  7. Hi AradunFF, Thanks for taking a look for me! I did some work on the weapon today and used the images from the Battlefront game as a reference. Ive added the silver collar, added the red line around the scope and removed the weathering from the handle and along the cooling fins. Ive done some more weathering along the metal parts as shown by the Battlefront reference images. Ive added some grey / silver mixed paint to the end of the muzzle but its coming up much brighter in the photos. I might re-add some black paint to dull it down a bit more. If anyone has any feedback please let me know!
  8. Hi all, Ive had my scout approved for a few years but wanted to get a DLT-19X. I recently purchased a 3D printed one and assembled it. I live in Australia and have not actually seen one at any events Ive trooped at. Can I get some feedback on anything you think needs to be changed? Ive spotted no red line along the scope and no silver line across the stock. Do they need these to be approved? Should I colour over the silver screws in black? Thank you all!
  9. Im about to order my helmet, but need a fully assembled one, preferably with the padding already in. Would anyone recommend any of the below i found? Im not sure how to copy in Pictures of the website, just the link sorry. Chefs Creations helmet http://www.chefs-cre...php/biker-scout or A seller on Ebay / Easy has some for sale with good reviews online http://www.ebay.com....&_qi=RTM2010739 Cheers!
  10. Hi All, Sorry about the delay... I was in an accident a few months ago and needed to go have some surgery. Back on track to finishing my build now I have all the soft and hard armour apart from my helmet, thats the next build. Here is the soft armour I have done so far. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know! The one piece flight jacket. I attached the riding crotch made out of faux suede and the 2 inch elastic straps (under the riding crotch). Faux suede butt flat attached. Thank you for your help with this one Stasz Cummerbund. White, closes at the back. No visible gap between this and the chest armour. Connects with an elastic strap. 7 vertical stitch lines with two white pouches. Vest. sleves are padded and similar to front of cummerbund. Nice wide neck and fastened at the back. Balaclava. Covers face and hair Gloves 2 x Wampa black gloves. I have removed the clips that could connect both gloves together. These feel awesome to wear! Suede over the middle finger, index finger and thumb. 4 ribs over the knuckles. Any help would be awesome
  11. Next bit I'm up to is the suede thigh patches. They extend over the flight suit crotch area and finish above the knee armor. Do they need to be a specific measurement or go behind me around the back of my leg? Here is my rough cut out. If someone could help me with above I will then cut out the suede and sew them on Cheers!
  12. Hi Stasz, Thanks for taking a look for me! I will be doing some more work on this on the weekend, will post some more pics then. Thanks for the advise on the strap loops - I will get these changes made.
  13. Hey, New guy here from Australia with not much armor experience - but keen to get it done and join the ranks. I though it would be good to start my build thread. I have all the pieces needed, but somethings need a fix. The first thing I was hoping someone could help me out with is the textile straps that hold the two hip boxes (drop boxes) off the belt. Does the textile strap and black clip need to a certain width? The ones on mine seem a bit wider than others I've seen. Thank you!
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