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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Starwheels

  1. ummmm there's only 1 problem i dont own a sewing machine also i have no idea how too sew anything also too use a sewing machine you need to be able too control it via your foot & i have 2 legs that are a dead weight & they cant be used lol so ............ will need some help trying too find one or someone who can make one for me James P.S you you didn't understand the info above it means i'm in a Manual Wheelchair
  2. where can one find a Vest for the Scout Trooper as i need one too get it approved for the 501st Btw ... im in australia James
  3. ones like the TK's have as i'm wanting to get 1 of them for my bucket once its on its like putting on earmuffs for me & anyone who's talk i cant hear them without having to take my bucket off all the time to be able to hear people talking
  4. hi there dose anyone know if the radio mic's are any good ..?? saw a few videos on youtube about them & want to know if they any good & where can we get them from ...?? hope to hear a reply back soon James
  5. Hi, i'm looking for a flight suit for a biker scout can someone point me in the right direction where i can find one please Edit: looking for one within australia as anything outside australia cost too much James
  6. Hi everyone TB Scout Reporting in for the first time & can someone tell me where i might find how to fix scout boots ..?? James
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