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PFD Recruit
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Zarth'Tarell last won the day on December 24 2016

Zarth'Tarell had the most liked content!


3 Neutral

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Rochester, New York

501st Information

  • Name
    Justin Steinman
  1. How far down should the thigh box hang? I am making my belt and am wondering approximately where I should put the rivets on the straps to the thigh box. Anyone have any pictures I can take a look at? Thanks!
  2. That's embarrassing I didn't use any backing, my bad. Thanks a lot guys I'll post pics when my armor is finished!
  3. I riveted my webbing to my belt, but the webbing keeps falling off. I can't remove the rivet and am wondering if anyone else has had this problem. I was thinking maybe glue would be the answer to this problem, but I wanted to run this by troopers with more experience. What should I do and how can I prevent this in the future? Thanks a bunch.
  4. That is very helpful! Thanks a bunch!
  5. So I just got my helmet and it's a bit big on me. My plan is to pad the inside both to help it better fit my head and to make wearing it more comfortable. I've seen the insides of several helmets and have noticed people tend to pad the inside in different ways. My question is how did you pad the inside of your helmet and was it easy to do?
  6. Hey guys! Here is my new biker scout helmet. I just wanted it to be looked over by people with more experience with this sort of thing. So here it is, my biker scout helmet. It is a little big on me so I was planning on filling in the inside a bit with some foam that I would velcro to the inside. Any feedback on the helm or tips on how to better fill in the helmet to make it fit better would be greatly appreciated.
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