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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Kosejonas

  1. I've done all the modifications now, and will try to take new pictures this afternoon
  2. Thanks guys! I will raise my thigh boxes tonight Yeah I know it's a bit low. Though I'm not quite sure myself if it will be approved or not. I have seen back armor being this low many times before, so I quess it will go through. But I will see what I can do about it anyway Thanks for all the feedback guys
  3. Hi guys! So I finished my helmet a little while ago, and I've been very impatient to complete the rest of my armor. So I got some help from two Biker buddies of mine and we built my entire armor in 4 days. I'm really proud of the result! Let me know what you think PS: My bund and pouches was weathered harder after these pictures, and I am also aware that my forearms are supposed to go a few inches over the gloves. New pictures will be taken
  4. Hi all, Just wanted to share a proud moment for me I finished my SC Helmet yesterday and wanted to show off a picture I know there's no official tutorial on the SC helmet here at BSN, but I have taken pictures through out the whole process and will make a tutorial to post here soon. If others might have use of it. The thing with the SC helmet is that it is ok to assemble, but you can easily stumble on some issues (I know this first hand now ).
  5. Completing my build this weekend :D :D :D

  6. May the 4th be with you :)

  7. Wierd that no one has answered you on this. I might not be the right person to look over your helmet, since I myself is pretty new to the game. But I'll done a lot of research and will give it a try The only thing I can see from your pictures is that the stripes decals on the back sit's a bit high on the bucket. But then again, I've seen this more than once and I don't know how this will impact your approval. It would be nice to see some pictures from the sides as well
  8. Thank you for the reply But does the scope think make it a problem to fit in the holster?
  9. Hi guys! Another question from the rookie coming up I've just placed my order on some stuff from Trooperbay.com. First I bought a Kenner Blaster from a dude here in Norway, but that turned out to be to big for the boot holster. So from Trooperbay today, I bought the Biker Scout Blaster among other things. Does anyone have this blaster? I would like to see some detailed pictures since the pictures at Trooperbay was only from both sides. I would most of all see how the forming of the Scope barrel looks (from the eye side of the barrel).
  10. This is the best idea ever! THANK YOU! I was really worried about painting it black, and you know ..... F*** it up hehe! Buying black gaffer right after work
  11. All parts received :) Excited!!!

  12. Thanks! I want to have mine original. But I kinda wanna make a Shadow Scout and AT-AT driver aswell Thanks you Signing up
  13. Hi all, I like how the Shadow Scout looks. Is it just that it's all black that differs from the original Biker Scout? I've tried to see if there's anything else that differs, but as far as I can tell it's just the all black. Any input on this? Picture: http://scontent.cdni...jg5OA%3D%3D.2.c
  14. I've talked to Jeff and he sendt me a tutorial for the SC helmet. I don't want to post his tutorial since he said it was not finished. But I will post my processl with pictures as I work my way through it, and hopefully it will be good enough for others to use it as a tutorial
  15. Thank you Mickey! I will send Jeff an email, before doing anything else hehe!
  16. Hi guys! I'm about to start on my helmet from SC. I can't seem to find a good tutorial on how to assemble it. The ting is that I'm trying to get my suit ready for the Norwegian Constitution Day, and can not afford a Screw Up, since I won't be able to get new parts in time if I do. I didn't find a good tutorial on BSN or on youtube. Does anyone know if there is any good tutorials out there or add one to this thread? I would really appreciate any help you guys can provide Lots of love Jonas
  17. Holy Macarony! I'm gonna use this tutorial all throughout my build Just received the email that my SC armor was shipped out yesterday! One question though. When you cut the armour (The shoulder bells for example). Is the plastic thin enough to cut with scissors or plastic scissors , or do you have cut with a sharp blade?
  18. Cool! But over to the important stuff! GREAT build mate!
  19. Thanks bro I really appreciate your reply This is gonna be fun
  20. The rivets here are supposed to be silver if your going for Lancer: Link to lancer specs 2017 http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=15994
  21. Btw! I've been looking around on BSN now for a thread that include a tutorial on how to modify a standard collar to a mandarin collar. Do you know if such tutorial exists on BSN?
  22. Thanks bro! I like being handy, so I actually look forward to the work:) Very helpfull
  23. Hi, I've bought the Black Bartec Overall's for my flight suit! Me and my friend is trying to find out if the collar on this will be a problem? If it is, I still think I can re-create/re-tailor it. Please look at the picture attached and give me a feedback
  24. Hi all, Since I'm madly in love with Biker Scouts, ofc I've been googleing pictures. I found some Biker Scouts wearing pauldrons. But I can't say I've ever seen this in the movies. Is it allowed for a Biker Scout to wear a pauldron? and in which setting do they wear them?
  25. Impatient! I've ordered all part needed and now we wait :/

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